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"What are you going to do?"

You tear your eyes away from your reflection in the mirror hanging on your closet, glancing over your shoulder at the pale blond hovering in your windowsill. His knees are crouched, his black coat trailing on the sill beside his booted feet.

"About what?" you reply softly, turning around to fully face him.

Roxas smirks a bit as he hops down onto his feet, marching towards you. He's moving with a purpose, the familiar sense of darkness clouding his aura.

"Tonight. Your father, us, Caelum."

Sighing, your shoulders raise in a languid shrug, the sleeves of your black dress shifting a bit as you move.

"Play it by ear, I suppose. Pray that nothing happens."

"Pray to whom?" Roxas muses with a chuckle. "We have no one to pray to, [Name]. Only ourselves."

"The curse of immortality," you agree, rolling your eyes a bit at his pessimism.

The blond continues to smile sadly as he grabs your hand in his, pressing something cool and firm into your palm. You glance down, eyes widening when you realize he's placed a pistol into your hand.

"What's this?" you ask quietly.

"For you... just in case."

You want to throw it out the window, crush it under your feet, reject the weapon and what it represents... but instead your fingers curl around the silver barrel, accepting his gift.

"Thank you," you tell him, glancing up at the male.

He gives you a sideways smirk before gently resting a hand on the back of your head, pulling you towards him as he brings his lips down to yours. The sweet kiss is short, tender, as if he's afraid of hurting you. It's different that the unemotional façade he tends to hide behind.

"One more thing," he murmurs as he releases you, grinning at your disappointed frown.

"What?" you ask with a sigh.

He looks down at your black gown, eyebrows raised as he studies you.

"Don't wear black."

Roxas turns on his heel, walking across the room towards your window. You follow in a daze, reaching out and grabbing his wrist just as he's about to jump.

"Why, does this dress look bad?" you press as he glances back at you.

"No. I'd just like to see you happy. Bright. Alive. You deserve it, after the past month."

Roxas leans down to peck your lips before disappearing in a blur, leaving you cold and alone with just your gun for company.

... Well, at least Xion will be happy.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The smell of salted meats, melted cheese, fresh-baked cookies and pastries, and flowing champagne fill the air as you stand in the foyer of your house, arm linked through your older brother's as you greet guests. The typical pleasantries are exchanged ("How are you?" "You look so lovely!" "Where is your dashing fiancé?") as the villagers trickle in. Everyone is dressed in their best, including you.

A gold dress is now draped over your body, the corset around your waist giving you a perfect set of curves. White gloves cover your forearms, successfully hiding your dark blue ring from any prying eyes.

Almost more palpable that the smell of the delicious food is the fake mood of all attendees. Everyone is smiling, laughing, hugging, kissing... Completely carefree and unaware of the evils surrounding them. Vampires, witches, Hunters... Who knows what else is lurking in the forest.

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