What's At Stake...

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A/N: Beginning of the finale~ this series ends on chapter 17 so I hope everyone enjoys the road ahead!

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"I think you should wear green. Or red. Maybe both, just go all-out this year."

You glance back at your maid with an annoyed expression, and she starts to giggle lightly.

"Okay okay, so maybe that's a little too festive," Xion agrees, resting a hand on the door of your wooden closet.

"Just a little," you mutter with a small smile.

"But Miss Webster, you always look so nice on Christmas. Do you really want to wear black to the annual Christmas Party?" she presses, rolling her eyes a bit.

You nod without thinking, a smirk starting to grow on your face.

"Of course. After all, this is my last Christmas before I'm married. Let's treat this party like a funeral of my freedom."

Xion shoots you a weird look before shrugging and turning her attention to your closet.

"Are you going with him this year? Your fiancé?" she asks.

You frown a bit as you glance out the window in your room. Perpetually dark skies rest over the town, a light layer of snow covering the buildings and houses.

"I doubt Father would let me go with anyone else."

"Like Ven?" Xion guesses with a sly smile. "Or Noctis, actually. I bet he would love to escort you. There's also Zack, though I haven't seen him in awhile..."

... and Roxas. Vanitas. Axel...

"Neither of those options would be acceptable," you point out, a sullen expression now on your face. "Now find me something black, Xion. I refuse to pretend to be happy."

"... Alright. But even if it kills me, I'm going to find a nice, colorful dress for you. Just because the rest of us are miserable doesn't mean you have to be."

You walk closer to the girl, tilting her face towards you by gently grabbing her chin.

"I think you really want to find me a black dress," you tell her, your eyes locking with hers.

Xion's blank gaze suddenly turns cheerful as you release her.

"You're right! Black it is!" she decides.

You feel a little guilty using your powers on her, but... you really didn't feel like being festive this year.

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The mood at the hideout is tense.

Though they've been in Dover Hills for a month now, neither Zack, Axel, Roxas, or Vanitas are closer to figuring out the Zedler's master plan. And this annoys them beyond belief. Just what was that family up to, and how could they put them to a stop? At the moment, no viable solutions have been posed. Staking the father and son has been suggested, but it's a dangerous option. There's no doubt they're working with a witch, and who wants one of those coming after them?

"Good morning!" Naminé greets, shocking the four men out of their thoughts as they glance over at the smiling blonde.

"Why are you so happy?" Vanitas asks with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, we're no closer to solving this thing than we were last month," Roxas adds with a sigh.

"Forget about the case for a second," she tells them, pulling four envelopes from the pocket of her white cloak. She passes them out to the men, continuing to smile.

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