19b. Sweating in Summer

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March 1990

Sweating in Summer

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear All,

Well, the truth of Venkamma's wayward son is that he's too good, it seems. He gives all his money and things away to anyone who begs. He gives loans of thousands of rupees, which are never paid back. Perhaps someone wished SO bad for the mill land that he sold it to them. (It's now being constructed into apartments. The buyer will probably get rich with paying foreigners to rent the flats.)

Things are a little better as he visited Venkamma recently, and talked sweet words with her. She cried when she saw how thin he's become.

Unfortunately, he continues his works: recently he gave Rs 800 for some friends of his to go to Bangalore and back in a taxi. The mill money is fast being used up, with no further income insight.

Now summer has come and poor Venkamma is in unbearable suffering, aching arms and legs and back. The foreign pain-cream I bought is applied, but only slightly relieves her. What to do?

Since Sivarathri Venkamma has been cooking for Swami daily! It started when she made a dish for the festival, and He ate it all up. The next day she made it again, and again He finished it Then, He sent a huge basket of vegetables to Venkamma's door, and thus she continues to cook! After the first two times He was reported to have asked, "Where's Venkamma's food?" and it inspired Venkamma to continue.

It means getting up earlier and running about nervously, and slaving over a hot stove for hours on end.

Guess what, they are accepting donations right and left for rooms! Say, $3,000 - $5,000, Donorship means no more office trouble for me at all. Please keep this in mind just in case Sai decides it is His will and has you win a lottery or contest. For years He hasn't accepted money. NOW is the chance!

All is as normal here. Most of the time Sai goes far but, now and then He comes near. In interviews He is still as charming, childlike, compassionate and clever as usual. His newest craze is gold and I've heard of two recent creations, one 6" solid gold statue of Ganesha for an Indian lady, and a 5" gold statue of Shirdi Sai for one Malaysian gent. (Both shown to Venkamma.)

Swami's schedule is completely unknown. It ranges from "He's going on 10 March" to "He'll stay till 10 April". Kodai seems canceled this year. Summer Course is in Brindavan, first time in 11 years! It's mainly for students. Includes all day lectures and classes on Indian culture and daily discourse y Sai. This course is either in mid-April or in May, no one seems to know.

Still I'm settled happily in the shed, although it's unhealthily hot in the afternoon and by 3pm I'm soaked in sweat and have headache, sneezes, etc. Cold shower doesn't seem to help the discomfort, although it removes the stench smell of sweat.

On 2 March afternoon I had a strange dream. Probably doesn't mean anything, because one, it was in mid-afternoon and two, I was in the sweaty hot shed. Yet, one, it was interesting and two, it had Swami in it.

Swami was down in Darshan area (Some people were around but not the crowds for darshan). He looked up to the top verandah intensely, with great interest. We were looking at Swami but couldn't resist finally looking up also. There, to the shock of all, was Swami Himself, Swami #2! All gave a sigh, startled. The reason Sai was looking up was to bid farewell. This Swami #2 had been with Swami for a long time (unknown to us), but now it was time to go. Both Swamis were having a last look at each other before this Swami #2 left (perhaps direct up skyward, as he was on the top verandah). End.

Irmgard sends LOTS of love!

With Love,


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