21. Snake in Venkamma's Room - June 1990

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Snake in Venkamma’s Room

June 1990

Prasanthi Nilayam

Divya conveys her namaskars

All is fine here. The biggest news is that Swami is being extremely distant, especially with the ladies side. I thought it would wear out but it hasn’t so far. Ah well.

We have our adventurers here, now and then. On 18th June (Monday) at 1:30 PM in the afternoon, a huge snake entered Venkamma’s South Prasanthi A-13 room. I wasn’t there. Her grandson Subrahmanyam was on lunch break from his office work and he was sleeping on the bed. Venkamma was sleeping on the cement floor by the bed. The snake was about 7 feet long and big & fat. It slithered past Venkamma’s head and into the bathroom (it came in the front door!). Luckily a worker saw from outside, and shouted, “Snake! Snake!” Venkamma and grandson ran out of the house, meanwhile several gent workers ran in and beat the creature to death, splattering blood over Venkamma’s floor. I showed up (at my usual time) right when they had finished wiping up the blood.

Later I asked Venkamma if there was any symbolism but she shrugged the event off as devoid of inner meaning. However, that very night she ordered her maid Kantamma (who’s been with her for years) out forever. A long, long time of crying and arguing and finally, the next day she was back to her regular duties. (Kantamma and I have NEVER got along, she irritates me no end and visa-versa!) Inside I thought it couldn’t happen to me, so the very next day Venkamma ordered me out forever. It took a whole 1½ day before her anger lessoned a bit. Anyway, no matter what, the two people in the world who’d never leave Venkamma are the maid and me - I thought maybe both of us should’ve seen the snake, instead of Venkamma. It was two very hard days of churning!!

I was in a room with three others who wouldn’t allow me to cook, so I had to go to the canteen for some days. One night I ate too much and next morning felt very nauseous, dizzy, achy bones, etc. Venkamma thought it was blood pressure and sent me to the hospital. Low and behold, it happens that my BP is slightly low (112/80). They wanted to give me an injection but I refused. I took a pill instead. It only lasted 1½ day and now I'm back to normal. Is that why I feel extremely weak and have vision blackouts for a few seconds, if I fast? Anyway now I'm not fasting.

Venkamma stomped to the office and ordered them to give me a different room! Now I'm with one other USA lady and we both cook in the room.

The bed bugs have disappeared from the face of Venkamma’s room, from about the middle of summer. Of course, the room is still full of cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes and rats. I'm waiting awhile to see if the bed bugs return. The bug bomb you sent is too precious only for cockroaches.

Swami’s sister-in-law is still ill with stomach cancer in the hospital. Swami’s younger brother’s wife is still in Bangalore hospital with some strange, unknown disease of fever and red & black blotches all over her body. Big, thick, long, long braid has reduced to a short tail. Swami is keeping quiet, I hear.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.




Simply I'm Peaceful

July 6, 1990

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

Here all is well. All is going on as usual. Weather is cool, breezy, occasional rains. Countless people. I thought there wouldn’t be many now, because of World Conference later this year - but instead they seem to be coming & staying!

I’ve been reading a new Swami book, “Divine Memories of Sathya Sai Baba.” It’s only available in America. Nice stories of the “old days” of Swami. Being in His house etc. The other night, the author was walking past Venkamma’s house – I got to talk with her and translate for Venkamma. She gave a copy of the book to Venkamma.

The office isn’t giving me any trouble at all. Currently I'm in a room with one other – who, surprisingly for a foreigner, cooks also on kerosene stove. It works out OK. She’s a bit particular about cleanliness. Perhaps I’ll learn something. :-)

Hope you are fine there. Quiet and Blissful! Nothing to write.

A nice samadhi state would be nice but hasn’t arrived yet. Simply I'm peaceful. Only slightly disturbed now and then, for a minute or so, by Venkamma’s scolding; otherwise, enjoying Venkamma’s Love, healthy, eating, of good spirits. It’s true I'm in ketu (astrologically)?

All for now.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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