65. Grand Dasara - Oct 1993

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Beginning of Dasara October 19, 1993

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

Divya conveys her namaskars. A joyous Dasara has begun here! Hope you are all well there.

On Saturday 16th October, Dasara was inaugurated. A long procession of pundits and students chanting the Vedas, and students doing bhajan, came with the kum-kum-smeared representation of Devi. They installed it in the Mandir. Swami gave Darshan, directed the procession and went in the Mandir to see it all. This lasted from 7 – 10 AM. In the evening, Swami gave Darshan while chanting was going on in the Mandir. The small convent kids even joined in, chanting “Sai Gayathri” over and over. This was 3:30 till 6 PM, when Swami retired to the Poornachandra for the night. In the Mandir at 7:30 PM chanted 1008 Names of Devi, which I attended.

On 17th Sunday, again there was chanting in the morning and evening (on loud speakers), in addition to the usual bhajan. Swami didn’t give Darshan but just walked straight to the Mandir. He stood on the verandah some time, looking at us all compassionately.

In the evening in the Mandir 6:30- 8 PM, many pundits gathered and chanted, while our Pujari was on his own doing 1008 Names. It was wonderful! We were all swept away on the Ocean of Mantras – immersed in a wonderful Joy of Unity.

On 18th Monday, was the installation of Devi in the Poornachandra hall, plus inauguration of the yagna. A procession came with band, Pundits, students, etc, but Swami didn’t join it; instead He just appeared on the stage (from backstage).

It was very grand and very loud! Band was playing loudly, pundits were chanting, students were chanting different mantras; and other students sang bhajans, which we joined in. Swami wondered around, staring intently as the pundits worked to light the yagna fire (with sticks, string and camphor). Finally He told all to be silent except pundits chanting. He sat on His chair for some time watching, and then went to each pundit (almost 40 of them) asking if they wanted anything. Finally He took arathi and left, but the yagna went on for another two hours, until 12:45 (noon). In the evening He gave a discourse.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.




Dasara & Plans for Vacating the Room

October 19, 1993

Prasanthi Nilayam

Divya conveys her namaskars.

This morning there was Darshan as usual, we sat from 5:30 AM till 8 AM. Even then, pujaris were chanting the Vedas in the Mandir.

Then, everyone dashed to the Poornachandra hall, where the yagna was already in progress. Swami came and went, two times. He walked around the stage observing the pundits, sat in His chair on stage listening, and also walked around the front of the hall, where devotees were sitting. By 9:15 AM He took arathi and left. Most devotees left. However, a few hundred of us stayed until the end of the yagna for the day, when they did arathi to the fire and put it out. I sat until then, 8 AM till 11:45 AM.

Recently when I went to bed I felt Amma very close somehow, but inside me, not like in Whitefield when I felt her standing in front of me once. I went to sleep and had an “astral experience,” remember when I had frightening ones long ago, with evil entities trying to get me? I haven’t had one since then, I think. But I had one now. Only there no bad presence, just an eerie feeling.

I “woke up” and knew I wasn’t in the right place – the physical plane. It felt odd and not correct, even though the room and surroundings were exactly the same. I remembered that if I pounded the wall I might wake up. So, with great effort I tried to pound the wall. There was a resistance and I could hardly raise my arms! I also started to hit my head against the wall, attempting to “shock” myself awake. It went on and on and I couldn’t escape the astral realm. But, no bad spirits came to bother me. Finally I woke up, about midnight. Then I went to sleep again, and awoke from the Swami and Venkamma dream, about 3 AM.

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