71. Radhakrishna's Family Interview & Talking with Goldstein - Dec 1993

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Radhakrishna's Family Interview & Talking with Goldstein

December 1, 1993

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

The crowds are slowly decreasing – the shed started to empty out, but now again groups are coming!

On the 25th November, He called Radhakrishna’s sister for interview (the driver who was killed in the Mandir). Swami also wanted RK’s mother – but she hadn’t come to Darshan! Swami insisted she be called so everyone had to wait until the mother came, about 15-20 minutes. Darshan was over; the other interview people had gone inside the room, but still Swami waited. Finally she came – she looked very ill! She was frail, weak and looked like she had been through a long illness. Swami was very kind to her. Meanwhile, RK’s sister looks very blissful lately! She just had a baby (now, about four years after Swami married her to Dr. Kamala’s step-son - he’s Sri Lankan - so he could get permanent Indian visa!). Some people say the baby is RK reborn!

One morning Swami was walking alone through the compound, and dropped the one lone letter He was holding. He bent waaay over and picked it up.

That evening, as the interview was coming out, He started giving Abhaya hasta (“Why fear” pose) to the people, holding His hand up. Some thought it meant, “Wait,” so they stopped and waited! One boy (a teenager) thought He was waving goodbye, and he also put His hand up and did Abhaya to Swami! This made all the students on the verandah, and Swami also, laugh hard!

After interview, there was about 45 minutes to bhajan, and Swami started to talk to the boys on the verandah. He called up Dr. Goldstein and talked and joked with him in front of the boys. Swami motioned how G had a big stomach, and showed with both hands how he was always eating! Then He joked about his bald head, and how he bobbed back and forth while doing Namaskar. Throughout, G would bob his head, nodding “yes” in Indian fashion, to whatever Swami said! Swami then imitated how he did this also!

Sometimes G would laugh hard with embarrassment at Swami’s words, and even from far where we were sitting, I could see G’s face turn almost the color of Swami’s robe! Swami would give a lot of affection also – He would pat G’s back, put His arm around His shoulders and put His hand on his head and push him down to do Namaskar. Nice Darshan for us!

Now there are rumors that Swami may go to Whitefield. They say there is a wedding there on 10th December. If He goes, I do not want to. I don’t like that place: no ashram, only crowds. I will try to stay on here. If they don’t give me permission, I might go to Kerala Anandashram for a few weeks.

I have nice Darshans from afar, like I’ve been writing, but even when I have front line He never looks at my face or comes close. I haven’t had Namaskar since February, when I got the long-term, much-coveted one-year renewable Entry visa (thanks to the help of Venkamma and Mrs. Ratenlal's friends in high places)!

(Dec. 1st) There is one boy that Swami has been paying attention to, and sending on errands to the Poornachandra. A few days ago He called to the boy, “HEY! Vibhuti!” He was asking for the boy to bring the vibhuti basket from the interview room, which the boy obediently did, but when Swami said, “HEY” He said it in such a biting, cruel way, as if He was hissing at a dog to get away! I thought, “Yes, how hard it must be to be near Swami! Attention from God – but also ego-crushing.”

Yesterday, Swami called for someone to bring a glass of water. Swami went to that same boy and with His left hand on the boy’s head, with His right hand He poured water into the boy’s mouth! Just watching all this, is a lesson in learning equanimity.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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