50. Dasara and Dipavali - Oct 1992

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Return from Hospital & Dasara

October 2, 1992

Prasanthi Nilaya

Dear Parents,

Sai Ram – Divya conveys her namaskars.

We returned from the hospital on September 18th (my Kriya Initiation anniversary!). Amma had gone to Darshan that morning to ask permission to return home. Actually Swami was hesitant and said she should have rest and wouldn’t keep quiet in the house, but would talk and do work! Amma promised she’s be good so He said, “O.K.” I was quite happy, now I can go to Darshan & bhajan again! Within a few days after returning, I got several nice, long looks, first rows and a nice Namaskar when He stood in front of me several moments.

Amma again went to Darshan on 28th morning. She did arathi as He came for Darshan (to remove the “evil eye”, a thing elders do to those who are younger). As with the last Darshan, He came laughing and saying, “Why have you come today!” She said, “I wasn’t able to come last night.” (Sunday night was the function/discourse and one is supposed to remove evil eye after a function or after a journey.) She said, “Swami, my legs are swollen.” And He replied, “Oh, it’s nothing - it will get better.” Then He made vibhuti and gave her Namaskar.

They (the doctors) make her happy by telling her all is fine and her heart is quite strong, it’s the Indian way. But actually, unknown to her, she is not fine. She is taking heart medicine twice a day and every day Lasix, to reduce swelling. She is still weak and walks a bit shakily. She’s not coming to bhajans yet. She sits on her doorstep for Darshan, where she can see a spot that is Swami.

Dasara began with a discourse because it was Shirdi Sai’s Birthday. Since then they have only been doing one-hour puja (1008 names of Devi plus other mantras) in the morning and evening, in the Mandir. Swami doesn’t come for that. I went once in the evening and it was really powerful and soothing. I wish I could go daily but Amma is calling for dinner & to clear the dishes at that time, so what can I do? I would set everything up beforehand but there is usually a house full of people so I can't. Never mind.

I am thankful that you understand why Swami does not seem to wish me to return to USA. Amma doesn’t have anyone loyal at this time. She’s been trying to reduce my work by getting someone to wash the dishes at least, but even though we give carriers full of leftover food, those people disappear after only a few days and we are left again to search for others.

Amma is not doing any cooking of course. Every day her son’s family sends food plus her longtime friends the Rani of Venkatagiri & family send food also. But Amma, being an Indian, only takes a spoonful of veggies at the most and all the rest we have to find people to give it to (6-8 veggies a day!). I, of course, touch none of it because everything has tons of onion & garlic. So every other day I cook veggies for myself.

I am fine and healthy, just small allergies as usual. The ratlings have disappeared from the room – thank Swami! Weather is nice; crowds are roaming. I hope all is well with both of you and wayward other two children. :-)

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.




Dasara in the Mandir

October 6, 1992

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

Divya conveys her namaskars.

October 6th: Here all is fine. Many crowds came, but the functions were all in the Mandir. On 4th, 5th and 6th, the last three days of Dasara, there was evening discourse in the Mandir. All three nights it rained and all the devotees and all school children got soaked (only VIPs and students in Mandir). Every day “normal” morning Darshan: huge crowds and galata (disturbance, pushing, fighting, etc!). The last day (this morning) was music and mantras by students (laddus to all).

October 15th: Yes, due to the disease-ridden world here this body could not resist getting flu like everyone else. I was bed-ridden for about four days and weak since then. Fever didn’t go above 100 degrees though; it stayed steady night and day at 100. Well at least I'm drinking boiled water - otherwise they’d be more danger. Barbara is in the hospital with Typhoid fever!

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.





October 25, 1992

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

26 October: Dipavali, the festival of lights, was celebrated here on 24th and 25th October. On 24th was music by college students in the morning and evening was a discourse and firecrackers after that. Swami liked it and watched eagerly with his students, to give everyone joy. He also distributed a lot of sparklers to all the school children and they all played in the compound with them, with Swami and all devotees looking on. 25th was Darshan & bhajan as usual then firecrackers again in the evening.

Amma is sometimes better, sometimes worse. She is going to bhajan now, but sits in a chair in the Mandir. Amma gets breathlessness often, and is taking a lot of medication for it.

I am fine & healthy, recovered from the flu that everyone seems to be getting around here. Now there is a noticeable chill in the air - winter has come!

No other news; please if you can, send a digital watch as I have no alarm anymore and the Indian watches are hopeless beyond measure.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu



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