33. Letter to Barbara - March 1991

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Letter to Barbara March 1991

Prasanthi Nilayam

To My Dear Akka (elder sister),

This is Divya, here everything is well. Are you doing well? Are your mother and father also well?

Akka! Swami left to Brindavan on (approx.!) 27 January and returned here on 9 February. He's been compassionately giving Darshan, taking letters, throwing candies and talking a lot. Interviews have been mostly for student's families and Indian VIPs lately, with an occasional interview for a foreigner group or individuals. Vera and her husband got one a few days ago - He told them they both MUST go back to USA. Husband has gone; meanwhile Vera is refusing Swami's order!

Sivarathri happened grandly this year! Morning was the usual festival program of songs on the verandah by students and generous Darshan by Swami. Evening was a Discourse in the Poornachandra (on the mind, mostly), He sang two songs: Hari Bhajana Bina and He Siva Sankara. Then, believe it or not there was all-night Akhanda bhajan! It was really nice! Swami left almost immediately after He started it. He returned in the morning about 7am and ... gave a surprise Discourse! It was really nice, it was short and personal. You can see it in Sanathana Sarathi. After, He supervised distribution of prasadam: sweet rice and spicy rice.

Now, He is staying on till  Ugadi (17 March). There is a family wedding on 25 March here that He is expected to attend. (Kristappa's daughter, to be exact, ie, Swami's father's younger brother's daughter).

The weather has gotten hot! Now sweaty days and mosquito-full windless nights haunt us. Venkamma's room has gotten bed bugs again, after 9 months of peace. Now my flower-making is interrupted occasionally by a fat bed bug slurping up my sweet blood. This is interrupted only by Venkamma's finger attacking me and squishing the innocent (yet troublesome) bloodsucker (who is, of course, only following its Dharma) in a long line of blood across the floor.

My mother sent one "fogger" intended to finish the bed bug race, but I haven't used it yet due to the fear that the bugs will only move in from next door. Personally I cannot see the meaning of the creation of these bugs. Perhaps you can enlighten me of the good uses in the plan of the universe. :-)

Swami is throwing candies less nowadays, but giving vibhutti more. He is taking many letters and generally seems to be very compassionate. He's even picking individuals for interviews, foreigners and Indians alike. Recently He picked Parvati (Canadian) and Jane from Malaysia, good friend of Rohani (who has again disappeared, forced outside the gate by Scotland Yard and Mrs. Shauri).  I haven't had any contact with her but I suspect she is hiding out doing tapas again.

Mmm, what else? The boys on the verandah have been piteously begging Him for days to take them to Kodai Kanal. He had promised earlier then revoked His decision. He looks unbending even after several days but stay tuned! This is important for us because it will prove whether He'll go to Kodai! (Madras/Bombay rumors are also around.) At any rate it doesn't look like He'll be away much this summer as He's interested in overlooking Hospital plans at this moment.

Akka! All for now. Be well. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu!

With Love,


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