70. Birthday 1993

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Birthday 1993

November 21-24, 1993

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

On the 21st morning, there was (a crowded!) Darshan and bhajan as usual. Evening there was a music program in the Poornachandra, then a drama in Telugu at the Hill View Stadium 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Mostly it was well-decorated kings sitting in chairs, singing slokas arguing the points. It was poetic Telugu, like different language than spoken or written, so I couldn’t understand much. Neither could many people, because big crowds kept leaving! The one playing Krishna was very harsh and loud in speech! I kept jumping from frightful outbursts! At the end, Swami came on the stage and gave the performers Namaskar then left.

November 22nd: on 22nd morning, there was an extremely crowded Darshan and bhajan as usual, in the compound.

In the evening, the program was at Hill View Stadium. At about 3:30 PM Swami arrived and walked in procession with a whole line of VIPs in velvet robes (gents). Swami wore a thin, pure white robe. He looked limp and simple! Plus, the tailor failed in his duty. Because, the new robe’s neck was too tight. Swami kept tugging at the neck, I guess it was choking Him! Paapam.

After a speech, Swami, in a sweet and soft voice, declared the Convocation open, “I dee-clair Con-vu-ca-shun O-pen. We are always delighted by this sweet announcement and I consider it the highlight of the event!

After another talk by someone there was Swami’s discourse. Then there was a drama. It was really good! The students spoke clear English. Chaitanya danced and rolled on the floor moaning, “Krishna! Krishna!” The people thought him mad, and a small Krishna came with little decorated gopis and danced. It looked like everyone had a wonderful time! Swami watched from the space in front of the stage (on the ground).

Afterward, He came on stage and had pictures taken with the boys. It looked like nearly the whole school participated, because group after group ran forward to get their pictures taken with Swami.

There was not much crowd. Nearly all the public fit in the stands, whereas the grounds remained nearly empty (except for two sections full of students and staff). The “Event” which happened in June may not have affected foreigners much, but we notice very much the decreased number of Indian visitors to Convocation and this Birthday (as well as Dasara) proves it.

November 24th: Birthday morning, we all went to the Stadium by 4 AM – but they didn’t open the gates and allow us in until 6 AM! By then there was a big crowd, and all had nice exercise dashing across the field!

Swami came in the chariot at about 8 AM. He sat in it and waved to all on both sides, with upraised hands. He wore a beautiful, dark red velvet robe. He went on the stage and sat in the huge blue throne, and then there were bhajans by the college boys. Then there were two speakers; then Swami gave His discourse.

Afterward, He had it announced that we should all take prasad before leaving. They gave laddus out at the entrance, but it was utter commotion. Still I managed to get one at a far-off gate.

I reached the shed at 11 AM – and there they had put up tents and were distributing free lunch prasad to all! Spicy rice, curd rice, a spoonful of payasam sweet and a laddu - Swami’s birthday prasad! I ate and became very full, as I'm not used to eating much lately.

There was evening Darshan as usual! But I didn’t join lines as I thought the visitors should get chance. I sat in the back. A little after 4 PM He came and went around. After, everyone left, except for a lucky few of us who were allowed to stay under one line of arches (everyone had gone to Hill View Stadium for the program). After awhile, Swami came out of the Mandir and walked back to the Poornachandra. He looked deeply at all of us and it was a very nice Darshan!

The rest of us had to leave. We reached Hill View Stadium and at 6:30 PM Swami came. He sat on the grounds and on the stage, two famous singers of India, Anup Jalota and Anuradha, sang beautiful, melodious bhajans in Hindi for awhile (no Jhoola).

When Swami left, I saw Him going in the car. It was pitch black outside, and He had the lights on in the car. He was sitting all alone in the back seat, leaning forward and talking excitedly with the man in the front seat. Happy Birthday!

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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