• His House •

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We had finally arrived at what seemed to be Jungkook's house. It was a large mansion-like estate with a cobble stone driveway leading off from a private road. It looked beautiful, like something out of a magazine. Bright flowers, a fountain, and a hammock.

"C'mon." He said, grabbing my upper arm. I shook from his grip and moped behind him.

He opened the door and we walked into a huge kitchen. I was completely surprised by the inside of his house, as it was nothing like the outside. It was dark with dim lights, and there was very little color. I was staring around the room when he cut into my thoughts.

"Follow me."

I did so as he lead me down a dark corridor. We passed many various doors to rooms I was curious to look in. He stopped when we reached the last door on the right. I was hesitant at first but slipped in after him.

His bedroom.

I seemed to know right away despite having never been here.

It was very simple. A bed with black and red sheets and a dresser. There was also another door leading to what I guessed was a closet.

How can someone live in such a dark and boring environment?

How is he the popular jock at school but the inside of his house looks like it's from medieval times?

"Are you done?" He asked, looking unamused and impatient as I peered around his room.

I looked down, embarrassed that he had watched me stare.

"So... what topic do you want to do the project on?" He asked as I thought.

"How about planets?"

"Planets? Really? What is this, second grade?"

"Well I'm sorry but - "

He cut me off.

"Sit down, are you really gonna stand the whole time?" He said pointing to the spot next to him on the bed.

I sat beside him keeping a good amount of space between us, but he scooched closer.

"How about anatomy." He suggested as he smirked to himself.

"What?! No." I refused.


"Ugh whatever."

"Perfect. Let's start after we get a snack."

"A snack? We just walked all the way up here so you could say we need a snack?"

"Relax princess, I'll go get some food and be back in a few. Make your self at home."

"Stop calling me princess."

He chuckled as he disappeared through the doorway. I heard his footsteps get further and further away.

I got up and walked to his dresser. I saw a pair of ray bans, 3 cologne bottles, and a fancy gold watch...


I was interrupted by his footsteps walking back up the stairs. I quickly sat back down on the bed and started playing with my hair as a ploy.

He walked in and sat beside me, this time closer than before.

"Here princess." He said and I turned my head to look at him. He was holding a strawberry.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically as I went to grab it but he stopped me.

"Tsk Tsk not so fast." He grabbed the berry from my fingers and dipped it in a bowl of chocolate. He lifted it to my mouth as it dripped.

Although I was somewhat disgusted by his 'romantic' food choice, I opened my mouth to let him feed me.

I took a bite of the strawberry and licked the chocolate off my lips. He stared as I ate which made me feel uncomfortable.

He got another piece of the fruit, dipped it in chocolate, and went to give it to me but stopped when a drop of chocolate dripped onto my chest and down my boobs.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't say anything. He quickly handed me a paper towel while he kept quiet too.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked, standing up.

"The room straight across the hall."

I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I quickly cleaned off the chocolate spill and made sure my hair looked fine before heading back to his room.

"S-Sorry about that." Jungkook stuttered, which I found cute. He didn't seem like the type to apologize.

Wait... Did I just call Jeon Jungkook cute? Oh gosh this 7 day thing is already starting to rub off on me.


"We should probably start some research." I suggested and we both pulled out our laptops to work.

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