• Yoga •

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Another time skip... Please forgive me. I just really want to get to the future  quicker lol.

3 Months Later (Maya is 6 months pregnant)

"Woah woah woah, what?!" Jungkook asked in disbelief, hoping he had heard me wrong.

"It's tomorrow at the dance studio downtown."

"And I have to go?" He whined.

"Yes! It'll be fun!" I assured him and pecked his face.

I had signed us up for Couples Pregnancy Yoga. Technically anybody who was pregnant could go; single, dating, or married. It was a morning class and Jungkook was already dreading it.

"We better get to sleep if we have this big workout in the morning." He complained. I laughed but also agreed with him as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room.


"Wakey wakey!!" I shook Jungkook while pinching his cheeks.

"Five more minutes." He groaned, his eyes still shut.

"We have a half hour, kaja!" I pulled the covers off but he didn't budge.

"Jungkook! If you don't get up I'm going to give you a sloppy wet kiss." I said and saw him smirk.

"Then I'm never leaving this bed, baby girl." He bit his lips and opened his eyes. I was still in the middle of changing so I was only in lingerie.

"Mmmm, your boobs look so big today." He reached his hand out, groping them, but I smacked it away.

"It's because I'm officially six months pregnant." I said proudly, making him smile.

"And if you get out of bed now, and do well in class, then you might just get a little reward." I played with my bra strap as a tease and he shot straight up.

"I'm up!" He exclaimed and began getting dressed.

I went downstairs and ate a bowl of strawberries before putting on my new Nike sneakers Jungkook had bought me.

He soon came down, matching my outfit, and we left the house.

"This is so exciting. I wonder how many people will be there!" I was so excited to finally be able to meet other soon-to-be mothers, despite my age.

"I'm glad you're excited baby." Jungkook rested his hand on my lap, his thumb gently rubbing me. (Not sexual lol)

We pulled in and I saw a few woman with big stomachs standing by the doorway.

"Alright let's go!" As soon as Jungkook was out of the car, I intertwined his fingers with mine and we entered together.

The room was large and there was a circle of yoga mats placed out. A few people were already set up, and I decided to chose a mat next to a woman who looked young, just like me. She was also there with a guy who had mint green hair, so I figured Jungkook would feel better knowing there's another male.

"Hi. I'm Maya." I said nervously, sitting down on my mat. Jungkook sat behind me and snaked his arms around my body, holding me secure.

"Hi Maya, I'm HyoJin. You two are so cute! " She complimented and I thanked her.

"How far are you?" She asked curiously.

"6 months." I smiled.

"Oh how exciting. I'm 2 months." Her belly was much smaller than mine, but definitely visible.

"Oh and this is Yoongi, my boyfriend." She pointed to the brightly haired man who sat nervously beside her.

"Hi." He flashed a short lived smile and raised his hand for a small wave.

"Nice to meet you. This is my boyfriend, Jungkook." I leaned back into his arms as he said his greetings.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" She asked hesitantly, as if not wanting to hurt my feelings.

"17." I said quietly but confidently. I wasn't ashamed of myself one bit.

"Omo?! I'm 17 also! Oh wow, I feel so much better now!" She took a deep breath of relief and I lit up, happy to share the same age as her.

"Alright ladies, and the two gents," the teacher pointed to Yoongi and Jungkook, who both looked embarrassed, "shall we get started?" She asked enthusiastically and we all nodded. 

We started with simple stretches, a few of them were couple poses. Every time there was one that I had to do with Jungkook, we always nailed it. Whereas next to us, Yoongi and HyoJin kept struggling with their balance. Luckily though, they just laughed it off and enjoyed themselves. It was so awesome seeing another girl my age going through the same thing.

After a fun class full of workouts and games, the class was finally over.

"It was so nice meeting the both of you. Do you think we could keep in touch?" HyoJin asked as the four of us walked out of the building.

"Of course. Let me get my phone out so I can make a new contact." I said and unlocked my phone.

We exchanged numbers and both left with our men, happy to have begun a new friendship.

"That wasn't so bad. We made new friends and got a good workout in." I said as I hoisted myself into the passenger seat.

"True. And now, I get my reward." He smirked victoriously.

"Hmmm, pretty sure I said it was if you did good in class." He scoffed, almost taken aback.

"Please, I did great in class." I laughed at his cockiness.

"Drive!" I turned on the car for him and we were headed home.

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