• Diagnosis •

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Jungkook's POV

It was now 1AM and I was sitting outside Maya's room, waiting. For the doctor to give me an update.

I wasn't allowed in the room because the tests they were doing were for 'authorized personnel' only. It wasn't safe for me to be in there.

After over 2 hours of waiting, the doctor came out of the room and sat in the chair beside me. He looked hesitant to speak, which only made me become more nervous.

"Jungkook-ah," he started, sighing between his words. "I have come to a difficult conclusion." I cocked my head in confusion.

What did he mean?

"Have you and your girlfriend been sexually active?" He asked, now in a whisper. Why would he be asking that?

"I'm sorry, how is this relevant?"

"It seems Maya is pregnant."

The words stuck in my head on reply.

'Maya is pregnant.'

'Maya is pregnant.'

'Maya is pregnant.'

"A-Are you sure?"

"Positive." He confirmed.

"So, my diagnosis is that you need to choose between your girlfriend or your baby." He continued, confusing me more.

My eyes widened in fear and shock.
Choose between the two? What nonsense is that?

"Could you explain?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"For Maya to regain consciousness, the process will kill the fetus. If we save the baby by transferring it to be delivered, it will kill Maya. You need to choose which way to go."

My mouth hung open and I couldn't speak.

"If you choose to save the baby, he or she will be transferred to another healthy, able female who can deliver it."

"What?!" I asked in disbelief.

"We would set up a system where you would meet this woman every other week to see how she is and check on the baby. When she goes into labor, you'll be notified." He informed me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Give my baby to somebody else? Let another woman deliver Maya and I's baby??

No way.

Regardless of who I would end up choosing, my baby is not going to be raised in another woman's stomach.

"I realize you must be in shock, but I need an answer by morning. You're free to go in her room now." He motioned to the door before leaving.

I slowly lifted myself and walked into Maya's room, shutting the door behind me.

I sat down beside her bed and clasped my hand with hers.

"Aish. Maya, what do I do? I want our baby to grow and live, but another woman doesn't deserve the happiness our child will bring. I love you so deeply." I said out loud, a few tears trickling down my cheek.

My hands traveled to her lower stomach and I palmed it through the blanket.

"Hey little guy, or girl." I whispered and giggled a little when I realized I didn't even know the gender.

"What's it like in there? Even your father hasn't been there!" I said humorously, lightening the mood.

"Ahhh jinjja, ottoke?!" I raised my voice a bit, speaking to wall.

I was conflicted. How could I choose for my beautiful Maya to not live, when there's so much we haven't done together? But, how could I not let my son or daughter have life?

At this point I was unsure of the emotions I was feeling, and just wished to go back in time. To have caught Maya before she left the house last night.

I tried pushing all my thoughts away as I rested my head on Maya's chest, hearing her slow but noticeable heart beat.

I wanted to rest with my family. Even if it was the first and last time.

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