• Peanut Butter •

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Jungkook's POV

"Uggghhh." I woke up to Maya stretching her arms in my face while whining like a two year old.

"Good morning to you too." I joked and kissed her jaw. She pouted and crossed her arms, once again acting like a two year old.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, rubbing her back.

"I want peanut butter." She huffed.

"Oh no. This is when all the wacky cravings kick in." I half groaned, half laughed as I got up from the bed and changed into day clothes.

"Where are you going?" She asked, putting her arms out like she wanted to recapture me.

"To the store." I said simply, slipping on my shoes.

"Why? What store?" I walked towards her and bent down to her face.

"To get peanut butter." I tapped her nose and kissed her forehead before exiting the room.

"Baby! You're so amazing, but you're going to leave me here?" I heard her whine from our bedroom.

It felt so good to say 'our.'

After we found out that her and the baby both survived, she immediately informed her mom about the pregnancy. Surprisingly, she gave full support to Maya and has since then. She even let Maya move into my house with me.

Now it's our house.

"Do you want to come with me?" I had walked back to the bedroom and she was already asleep again.

"Aish sleepy head." I giggled, gave her a kiss, and ran downstairs to finish my quick errand.

As soon as I got to the store, it was a mad house. Super packed. Kids everywhere. Loud shoppers. Madness.

Despite my nix for the wild children, I knew that soon I'd be dealing with a child of my own. I was getting even more excited seeing little diapers and tiny jars of baby food that stacked shelves. 

Okay okay, back to the peanut butter.

I noticed there was at least 10 different brands. Some low fat, some low sodium, some natural, and then regular.

But I didn't want to let my girl down, so I got the biggest tub of the fattiest peanut butter, and went to cash out.

I felt proud as I walked to the car, holding a bag of goodies for Maya, who was probably still in bed, unless she had migrated to the couch.

I was right.

I walked in to see her sprawled over the couch with every single blanket entangled with her. I laughed and went over to peacefully wake her up.

"Baby." I kissed her head.
"Maya." I shook her a bit.
"Hey sexy." I caressed her side and she wiggled before fully opening her eyes.

"Good morning." I kissed her and got up, carrying my bag to the counter.

"Did I hear something about sex?" She asked curiously as she tied her bed head into a ponytail.

She was so cute as she hobbled over to me with her little baby bump. It's so crazy that I helped make that. My child.

"Put this on." I handed her a blindfold and she hesitantly put it on.

I opened the peanut butter tub quietly and got out a huge spoon.

"Open your mouth." She was hesitant at first, then opened her mouth but quickly shut it again.

"Is this some new kinky foreplay that you're trying? Cause' I'm honestly just ready to fuck right now, no teases." She said straight forwardly.

"Well damn. Actually, no, this isn't foreplay, or anything sexual for that matter. But I will definitely take up that offer if- "

"Jungkook!" She interrupted me when she realized I was getting carried away and my original plan wasn't even about sex.

"Okay okay." I said and lifted the spoon to her mouth. Her lips soon parted and I put the peanut butter in her mouth.

As soon as she recognized the much desired for taste, her face lit up and her arms shot up.

"Yesyesyesyesyes! Thanks babe." She savored the treat in her mouth and opened wide for another spoonful.

"Uh uh uh, that's all you get." I said and immediately got a whine from her.

"That's like your fifth whine today." I laughed and wrapped my arms around her, happy to be so in love with such a beautiful woman.

"But for real, give me that peanut butter." She got serious and when I stayed silent, she didn't hesitate to rip off her blindfold.

I laughed as I watched her try to grab the tub out of my hands, which I was holding above my head, far from her reach.

"This is unfair." She moped over to the couch and crossed her arms. I went over to her and attacked her with kisses before letting her dig into the peanut butter herself.

"What show should we watch, pig?" I turned on the tv and earned a slap from her when she heard what I called her.

"Yah!" She said and attacked her with kisses as an apology.

Yes I know, crap filler chapter. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

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