• I Love You •

265 19 7

Maya's POV

"Maya. Maya honey." I was awoken by somebody shaking my arms.

I opened my eyes to be surprised by the sight of a hospital room and a nurse by my side.

"Maya honey, can you hear me?"

"W-What? Why am I here?" I asked on alert as I sat up in my bed.

My hair was tied back and I was wearing a hospital gown. My favorite purse sat on a chair in the corner and there was a familiar black jacket hanging on the door.

"Relax, everything is fine. Can you see me fine?"

"Y-Yeah?" I said in the tone of a question.

Why would she be asking that?

"And your hearing and vision, does everything seem normal?"

"Yes, I'm fine, why am I here?" I started to panic when she put a small clamp on my finger.

"I'm taking your heart rate, calm down."

I laid back, closed my eyes and tried to relax despite the fact that I had no idea why I was in the hospital.

"You fell. Do you remember anything?"

I tried my best to think back.


Jungkook's house.

I remember wearing lingerie, and giving him a blowjob (which I am NOT telling her), and that's where I go black.


I can't remember anything else.

"I don't remember falling." I admitted.

"What's the last thing you remember doing?"

Here comes a lie.

"I was upstairs in my house, I remember leaving my bedroom but that's it."

"Your house?"

"Well, my friend's house."

"It's okay he told me, you can say boyfriend." She said in a gossip whisper as she giggled.

What was she talking about??

"I'll bring him in, wait a second." She said before disappearing through the door.

Who's him?

I figured 'him' was the doctor as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

The sound of the door opening caught my attention and I cracked one eyelid open.


'Him' was Jungkook.

"W-What are you doing here?" I sat up and hastily fixed my hair.

"Stop," He said, grabbing my arm and putting it at my side,"you look beautiful."

I blushed and tried to look away.

"J-Jungkook I don't remember anything that happened.... What happened?"

"Welllll, somebody left my little friend unattended - " He started but I quickly stopped him.

"Don't even go there, why am I here?"

The nurse came back in with a tray of utensils and came to the opposite side of the bed.

"It's so nice to see you babe, I'm glad you're better." Jungkook said, confusing me as he leaned in for a kiss.

I tried to turn my head away but he cranked it back.

"Just do it." He muttered under his breath into my ear as I awkwardly went along with whatever his plan was.

Our lips met and he kissed with passion.

I have to be honest, it was the best kiss we've ever had, I've ever had.

We pulled away, both gasping for air when I noticed the nurse starring.

"How cute. I remember back in the day when I had a boyfriend." She laughed and pulled wires off of the metal pole beside the bed.

"You, Maya, are free to leave anytime." She smiled wide and left the room.

As soon as she was gone I smacked Jungkook's face.

"Yah! What was that for?!" He groaned while palming his cheek.

"Why the hell did you kiss me?!"

"I told her we were dating."

"You what?!"

"You fell at my house, Maya. You hit your head and it was bad, really bad. I drove you to the ER and they didn't let me in the room with you. How was I suppose to know you were safe? They didn't tell me anything and I wasn't sure if you were okay." His voice became raspier and he sounded like he might cry.


"And then when I came in here you were still asleep and they weren't even sure if you'd wake up. But when you did, you couldn't hear me, or see me, or even speak. I watched you struggle and it hurt my heart." He started crying and I knew he was serious.

He really cared about me.

"I-I didn't realize."

"I love you, Maya."

I looked deep into his beautiful, glossy eyes as tears streamed down his face. He managed to smile through his painful expression. Now tears were forming in my eyes and I gave up, letting them out. I smiled back and pulled him down onto me, hugging him.

"I-I love you too."

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