• I Have To Go •

385 32 5

"I can't find anything." Jungkook exclaimed as he set his laptop down and sighed.

"We've been researching for 5 minutes, be patient." I responded and put the computer back on his lap.

"Ugh." He responded, rolling his eyes.
"You know, we still have two weeks for this dumb project anyway." He added, closing his laptop and setting on his

"If you needed a way to tell me to leave you could have just said so." I said laughing as I stood up.

"No no no, I don't want you to leave, I just want to do something other than work on the project."

"Well I don't have any other homework to do." I reply.

"I mean besides homework."

"Like what?"

"I don't let's just chill. Want to watch Netflix?"

Did he just ask me if I wanted to Netflix and chill?
I mean he didn't actually say 'Netflix and chill' , but he reworded it and it sounded equivalent.

"Um s-sure." I managed to say.

He turned on his tv and clicked on Netflix as I stood there like an idiot.
As the program was loading he left the room.

Where was he going?

Seconds later he came back in with a bundle of plush blankets and an extra pillow.

"Get comfy." He said as he threw them on the bed.

I hesitantly walked over to his bed and sat down.

He messed with the cable box a little, turned the lights off, then came over to the bed with his phone.

"You're too funny." He said as he started to lay the blankets out flat.


"You're just sitting there when I told you to be comfy."

"I am comfy."

That was a lie.

"Lay back and get under the blankets."

Was that a command?

I did as he said before he got in the bed with me.

This is awkward.

"It's so cold in here." He said as he nestled under the covers, slowly decreasing the space between us.

"What do you want to watch?" He added.

"It doesn't matter."

He didn't respond but clicked on a title. The show started playing and I was already bored.

How long was I going to have to lay here, in bed, with Jungkook?

Like can't I go home?!

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Twitter but stopped when I heard a moan.

I looked up slowly.

I was relieved to find out that the sound had come from the tv, but that's still really uncomfortable.

The sounds got louder and next thing you know the main characters were going at it.

"Yah! What show did you pick?!" I asked Jungkook, hitting his arm and hiding my face under the covers.

"I just chose a random one."

"Yeah right."

All of a sudden the show stopped and it was dead quiet. A second later he stuck his face under the covers too, our noses now touching.

"It's safe now." He whispered and started smirking.

I rolled my eyes and came out from under the blankets. I was started to feel hot.

"I think I have to go." I said, started to get up.

"C'mon it was just a joke Maya relax." He said as he grabbed my wrist, making me fall on the bed.

He was now straddling me and we just looked in each other's eyes. I gulped loud.

His pupils raced back and forth from my eyes to my lips and back again.

His head leaned down close to me and instinctually I turned my head.

Wait! What am I doing?!

I got up a little bit, pushing him off of me.

" I really have to go."

He stayed quiet as I grabbed my things, slipped my shoes back on and walked out from his room.

I trailed down the stairs and weaved my way through huge, open rooms.

I was about to open the front door when Jungkook's voice stopped me.

"Wait! Don't you need a ride?"

Shit! I do need a ride.

"N-No. I don't." I said and quickly left his home, starting to walk down his driveway and onto his long private road.

Who can I call?

Vernon? ... No, probably busy.

Taehyung? ... No, he's friends with Jungkook.



I pulled out my phone and dialed Kim Sungkyu, my best friend since childhood. He's basically my big brother.

It rang until he picked up the call.


"Hey Oppa, It's Maya!"

"Oh hey Maya, what's up?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but are you able to give me a ride?"

"Of course! Where are you?"

"At the end of Messenger Road."

"What are you doing out there?"

"I was at Jungkook's house... Long story."

"Oh alright. I'll be there soon!"

"Thanks Oppa, see you soon." I said before ending the call.

Sungkyu will finally save me!

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