• Hospital •

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Jungkook's POV

Maya stormed out of my room and I chased her down the stairs but she had already left. I stood by the window watching as she drove off.

Where could she be going this late at night?

I knew she wouldn't go home, that's the last place she'd want to go. I grabbed my keys, hopped in my car, and decided to follow her.

Her driving was sloppy. She made last minute turns and was close to the curb on the highway.

I watched as her car slowed down to a stop at a bridge. I parked further away so she wouldn't see me, but I kept an eye on her.

She was looking down at the water when all of sudden she shuddered and vomited over the railing of the bridge.
I immediately got out of the car and walked towards her, still keeping my presence unknown.

She squealed in pain and I saw her struggling to breathe. She slowly got closer and closer to the edge as I realized what she was doing.

She was going to jump.

My legs worked fast than my mind, running towards her quickly.

I heard her mutter something but I couldn't understand what she said. She heaved a deep breath before bending her knees, getting ready to jump.

"Maya!" I called out, my heart beating out my chest as adrenaline rushed throughout my body.

She was mid-jump when I called her name, making her fall backwards onto the bridge, instead of into the water.

"Maya!" I ran to her side and her eyes were glazed over.

"No no no no no." I muttered as I tried to find a heart beat. I put my fingers against her neck and felt her pulse.

It was slow, but it was there.

I picked up her limp body and scurried back to my car, securing her in the passenger seat.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I couldn't wait long, she hardly seemed alive even now.

I could my poor baby ever contemplate something like that?

Doesn't she know she means the world to me?

I finally reached the hospital and ran as fast as my legs could carry Maya and I.

I entered through the emergency area and rushed to the counter.

'Déjà vu' I thought to myself.

Not long ago we were here because of her bleeding head.

Luckily there was an open registry, so I didn't have to push through any people.

"P-Please, my girlfriend needs to be seen."

"Can I have her name please?" She asked hurriedly as a doctor grabbed Maya out of my arms.

"Maya Lee. She's 17, date of birth 3/23/99." I said quickly to the nurse so I could follow the doctor.

"What exactly happened?" He asked while taking her heart rate and oxygen intake.

"She was t-trying to k-kill herself. She was about to jump off the West Highway Bridge when I called her name and told her to stop. She fell backwards and when I got to her she wasn't conscious."

"Alright, we'll need to do a shock pad treatment. I need you to stand by the door because the equipment has high voltages." I nodded although I didn't want to comply, and walked to the door obediently.

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard the zaps that sent shocks through Maya's body. She was limp and her muscles were like jelly every time the machine made contact with her skin.

Are you guys over all the hospital shit? Cause I am, lol. I wasn't planning this, but when I started writing it just happened 😂 Hope you enjoyed! 😁

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