• Stay •

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Maya's POV

There was a sudden throb in my head as I forced my eyes open. Everything was blurry and I could only see colors.

I held my breath as the smell of potent chemicals filled my nose, making me have the urge to sneeze.

Movement to the right of me caught my eye and I slowly cranked my head. I was able to make out an outline of person as the figure came closer and became larger.

They were trying to say something but I could only hear low, muffled noises. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I felt trapped within myself and my head started spinning, making the already blurry landscape, blurrier.

Jungkook's POV

I awoke from my sleep when I heard things shuffling in the room. I looked up and noticed Maya was awake.


I rushed to her side and held her hand.

"Oh baby are you okay?"

She didn't respond.

She only looked at me.

Looked through me.

She kept blinking and opening her mouth. It was like she wanted to speak but couldn't.

"Maya can you hear me? Are you okay? I need to get the doctor, I'll be right back okay?"

I got and quickly looked for a doctor, anyone.

"Hi, my girlfriend just woke up and she seems out of it. Can somebody please check on her?"

"We can have the doctor look in a bit." The woman gave me an uninterested smile and left.

"No! She needs to be seen now!"

The woman halted and turned around.

"She keeps blinking her eyes and it's as if she's trying to say something but I can't tell. Something is wrong."

She waited a moment before walking past me and heading into Maya's room.

I quickly trailed behind her as we entered the room.

Grace still sat confused like before as I watched the nurse take her blood pressure and heart rate.

She looked worried as she hastily scribbled on a clipboard.

"What's wrong?" I prompted.

"H-Her heart rate is abnormally fast. And by checking her eyes, I can see that her vision is impaired, hopefully temporarily."

Her words stuck in my head like a song on repeat and all I could think about was Maya never being able to see again.

She started move Maya's bed, pushing it towards the door.

"What, where are you taking her?"

"The doctor needs to see her now."

"I can come right?"

"She is now a priority patient so I'm taking her to the OR, you'll have to check with them if you're allowed in."

"The operating room?! I think that's unnecessary."

"I realize you're concerned and probably scared, but your girlfriend is going to be alright." She put her hand on my shoulder, making me feel even more like things won't be alright.

I nodded and we continued to walk through the halls.

Once reaching the OR doors, she called in for another nurse to quickly took Maya's bed in, letting the doors shut behind them.

"Wait! How am I suppose to get in?" I asked the original nurse who was now walking away.

"Press that button," she pointed to a red button on the wall,"and somebody will come to the door. Tell them Nurse Kelly sent you here."

"Um, y-yeah okay thank you." I stuttered out before attacking the red button.

I eventually stopped pressing it and decided to wait patiently, which was the hardest thing.

After 10 minutes an older nurse came to the door.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Yes hi, my girlfriend is in there and I need to see her."

When she didn't respond I spoke again.

"Kelly sent me."


"Nurse Kelly."

She looked surprised before opening the door wide and escorting me to a room at the end of the dark and sad hall.

"Thank you." I bowed 90° and entered the room.

There were 2 nurses and the doctor hovered around Maya as they all spoke medical terms that meant nothing to me.

I sat in the corner and watched even though I didn't want to.

The doctor finally noticed my presence and recognized me from earlier.

"Who let you in?"

"Nurse Kelly sent me. How is she?" I asked referring to Maya.

He heaved a loud and deep sigh before replying.

"Having not been awake for so long, when she became conscious, her senses were not fully aware of her surroundings, meaning her eyesight, hearing, and speaking were all faltered."

"C-Can you fix that?"

"Her hearing and speaking should come back naturally, but if her sight doesn't return within a week, we may have to perform surgery. I'll let you have some time with her." He motioned the nurses out before leaving with them.

I got up slowly and walked to Maya's side.

She looked soulless and she rested, but also like an angel.

"Please don't leave me, Maya. I need you. I-I love you." When I spoke those words, knowing she couldn't hear me, I broke into tears.

Uncontrollably I sobbed, letting my face and shirt get wet.

"Please, stay with me." I begged her, resting my head on her chest.

I just wanted to be with her.

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