Love Is Blind

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Aphmau's POV
I walked into Levin's house and I saw Vylad on the couch worried and Laurence was sleeping. I walked over to Laurence and when I studied his face, his cheeks were shining cause of dried tears "Is everything ok?" I asked, Vylad looked up

"H-He's..." Vylad said "Laurence is blind."

My eyes widened "W-What?"

"He opened his eyes and he couldn't see anything!" Vylad stood up and pointed to Laurence "APHMAU, LAURENCE IS BLIND-"

I stood still and slapped Vylad "What really happened?"

"I-I don't know...I saw him on the floor when I checked on him. Me and Malachi brought Laurence to Levin's house...and then when he woke up...h-he told me he was...blind." He explained.

A groan was heard from Laurence, and when he opened his eyes...he had no pupils, just white. "V-Vylad?" He called, I walked over to him and held his hand "L-Laurence? A-Are you actually...b-blind?" He sighed "Y-Yes." After everything that happened lately...I need to stay strong. Not just for Laurence but for everyone else. He brought his hand to my face and wiped off a tear "Don't cry." He said, I looked down "Laurence what happened?" I asked

"Do you really think I would know?" He smirked

"Laurence, there's no time for joking." His smile faded away "It's the only way to get my mind off things." He found my hand and put it on his face.

"Aphmau...Remember my promise. I will never leave you." I smiled "I can tell you're smiling." He said

"V-Vylad...can you...leave us...I-I need to talk to Laurence." He got up and walked to the door "Wait. Vylad. I-er...s-sorry if I...slapped you." He smiled "I understand." He opened the door and walked away

"Are you ok?" I asked, Laurence nodded "Yeah..."

"No you aren't." I said, he laughed "I can't really see you think I'm ok?"

I shook my head "Laurence, your not ok because of something else too. Something is bothering you." He sighed in defeat "Aphmau I'm not gonna get to protect you." I smiled "I can take care of myself." He shook his head "Aphmau, stop. Don't give me a lecture, please?" I gave him a confused look "A what? Lecture? What-" he chuckled "Whenever I say something like this, you give me your whole speech about you being able to protect yourself." I shrugged "True. But I can, and you know that." He mumbled something but I chose to ignore it "I remember this." He said, I tilt my head "Remember when I was blind cause know?" I nodded "Yeah." He chuckled "I confessed my feelings to you. I don't have anything to confess so..." I chuckled " was awkward between me and you." He nodded in agreement "Yeah. But after 15 years or...15 minutes...everything changed."

Laurence's POV
I couldn't see anything but I tried to imagine Aphmau sitting beside me "Everything did change a lot, here in Phoenix Drop." She replied "Everything changed...even between us." My smile faded away "Aphmau?" I felt movement on the couch "Yeah" I held her hand "What if...I don't see again?" I say, with sadness mixing in with my voice "Don't say that." I cracked a smile "Laurence? C-Can you stand up?" She asked, I shrugged "I'll try." I brought my back up and I felt Aphmau put her hand on my arm "I can do this..." I mumbled, I felt her let go and I slowly stood up. I smiled at first but it slowly faded when I felt Aphmau put her arm around mine "I'm sorry." I said "I'm sorry for bothering you..." I heard her chuckle "Don't worry Laurence! I got your back." I forced my self to smile. Why did this have to happen?

Travis POV
I woke up and I instantly shot up in the air "Argh!" I scream, waking up Katelyn...who was sleeping beside me "T-Travis?! Your awake!" To my surprise, Katelyn wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. I'm to tired to even be all sweet so I just smiled. "What happened? Why are-" she let go "Travis you were stabbed...a-and we had to fight Ivy, and then Laurence became a shadow knight, Ivy was threatening Laurence and us, You fell-" I smiled and crashed my lips into hers, I let go "Shhh...Calm down." Her eyes widened in shock "W-What-" I smiled "Before you even slap me...Katelyn I'll always be here to protect you. And I remember what happened. I'm sorry-" she blushed and kissed me back, I was tensed at first but I gave in. She let go and blushed "You don't need to say sorry..." She mumbled, I chuckled "I'm sorry. I know I can be a jerk sometimes but...I still care about you.about everyone." She smiled and hugged me, I hugged her back..."I-I....L-Love....y-you" I stuttered, I felt her smile "I love you too." She replied back, my eyes widened in shock...WHAT?!

Levin's POV
Malachi and I walked in silent until He shouted "Levin! Look it's Laurence!" He pointed to my mom guiding him..."Mom!" I screamed, she looked at me and Laurence...he didn't, I ran towards her "Laurence are you-"

"I'm...blind." He said.

"Mom?" I asked, my eyes widened. Her smile turned into a frown "We don't know what happened... Apparently when he woke up...he couldn't see anything."

Malachi patted Laurence on the back "It's ok. Maybe there's a way to fix it."

"Maybe" Laurence shrugged

"Alright Mom, Laurence. Me and Malachi have to go. Take care." I smiled, Aphmau smiled back.

Aphmau's POV
*Time the old tree house*

It was hard getting up here with Laurence, blind...but we still made it. "Whew! That...was interesting!" I said, wiping the sweat off my forehead, Laurence stayed quiet and sat on a bed "Speak for your self." He rubbed his head "I bumped into a wall a couple of times." I chuckled "Sorry?" He smiled...

"Laurence?" I called "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure. I can't run away so..." I smiled

"What happened? You-" he shook his head "I know. I lost control back there, and I regret it."

"I-" I sighed "Never mind...I need to talk with Levin...can you stay here alone?" He nodded

"Yeah...I can." I smiled "See ya." He smiled "Uh..." My eyes widened "Gah! S-Sorry! Heh..." He chuckled "It's alright." I smiled. I was about to leave until he grabbed my head, I turned around and kissed him..."Aphmau...I love you..." He said, my eyes widened, I was quiet "Even though I am blind, I will do anything to protect you. I am willing to sacrifice my life for you. If I can't be healed, I will always be in your heart...but...there's on thing that I am most willing to do." My head tilt in confusion..."Laurence...?"

"I am willing to sacrifice order to get Garroth back...for you."

Thank you for reading this part of the story! Also, thank you for 1k reads! You guys are awesome! You supported both books, and I hope you keep doing it! Sorry if I made any mistakes!

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