Horrible Loss...

417 13 16

Laurence's POV

Ivy looked at me with horror in her eyes but it quickly changed when I looked at her "Don't lose it Laurence..." She says smirking "Shut up Ivy." I said, stern. Ivy giggled and she traced her index finger down my chest "Oh c'mon Laurence... Face it she doesn't love you." Her facial expression changed, they were filled disgust "Why would she anyways? A monster like you can't be loved. Unlike Aaron. He isn't a shadow knight, he's human and not a killer like you...Maybe that's why Aphmau loves him more...than you." I hit the bars once again, ignoring the pain it's giving me

"Aphmau loves me. She told me that." I said avoiding eye contact with her. She held my hand and smirked 

"Are you sure? Maybe she meant that for Aaron..." My breaths were heavy and I growled 

"You're a feisty one." Ivy said, she put her finger under my chin and lifted my head up "I like that...Too bad Aphmau doesn't." I refused and let go of the bars "You know nothing Ivy." I mumbled, she chuckled "Oh really?" I walked towards one of the walls of the Guard Station "Didn't you hear Aphmau and Aaron talk? Aaron was about to kiss her wasn't he?" I punched the walls sending pain through my whole body, My knuckles were probably broken at this point "How do you-" She stroked her chin "Oh remember the time where you ran into the woods and Sasha kissed you? Did you know that Aaron and Aphmau were kiss-" I grabbed one of the chairs and threw it at the bars "Gah!" Ivy shrieked. I fell to my knees, facing the wall "You're lucky that the iron bars are in front of you." I held my wrist, staring at my bloody fist "Laurence. Don't hurt yourself..." Ivy mumbled

"And why would-" A voice cut me off "IVY THAT'S ENOUGH." I turned my head and saw Katelyn holding her sword, with Dante and Aphmau by her side. "Laurence, you're sick. C'mon...and your fists." I stood up and walked over to Ivy, I grabbed the chair and was about to put it back until a hand grabbed my wrist, I turned around and saw Ivy holding it. She pulled me towards the jail cell "Remember...I'm here for you..." She mumbled winking at me...in a flirtacious way. Aphmau grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her "Lets.Go." I drop the chair and walk outside with Katelyn.

Dante's POV

I saw how Aphmau looked at Ivy before we left "Aph...Are you ok?" I mumbled to her, she ignored my questions and blurted out "What did she say to you, Laurence?" Laurence gave Aphmau a look but he quickly changed it and all I saw was sadness in his eyes "N-Nothing...important." Katelyn stopped and she put her arm in front of Laurence "Tell us the truth." I gave Laurence a warm smile but he growled under his breath "Ivy just tried to ask me...to get her out. I said 'No'...Of course." Aphmau looked like she was going to break at any moment "No. You spent more time with her...that can't be it. Tell us the truth Laurence!" She raised her voice, I gave Aphmau a look and I looked back at Laurence "Laurence...It's ok...You can trust us.", "Well I'm not telling you anything...CAUSE WE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT ANYTHING!" Aphmau clenched her fists and she walked in front of him "Laurence! YOU BETTER TELL US RIGHT NOW-" Before Aphmau can continue her sentence an explosion was heard from the distance...Coming from the forest "What was that?", "I don't know...Why don't we go check it out." Laurence suggests pointing to the forest, Aphmau glares at him "We'll talk later..." She mumbles....

??? POV

I sat up and I felt dust in my throat, It caused me to cough "W-What?" I struggled standing up but I still managed. My armour was dusty and I had a small cut on my arm, I brought my hand to my cheek and when I looked at my fingers...there was blood..."Great...Just great..." I mumbled to my self. I looked around and I saw a familiar red bandana on the floor, I picked it up and It was beside a long purple broadsword "Whats-" My eyes widen and I dropped the bandana..."N-No...No..." The sword and the bandana rang a bell and I knew who it was...How was I going to tell Aphmau?...

Aphmau's POV

As we ran to the direction of the explosion, when we were almost there I started to smell...smoke? I ran over some cobblestone and I saw a blonde haired man, on his knees...I cover my eyes since I couldn't see anything through the smoke. As the thick fog cleared up, I saw a man who looked up at me, his armour was dirty and broken, the blonde hair was covered with dust, The mans face had blue eyes and...it suddenly clicked "G-Garroth..." A tear escaped my eye he smiles and stands up "A-Aphmau..." I ran up to Garroth and surprised him with a hug "GARROTH!" He lets go and looks at me "A-Aphmau! I-I missed...you!" Garroth kept his hands on my shoulders, he looked over it and saw Dante. Garroth smiled wider and hugged his "Brother" tight. I looked around and saw that Laurence and Katelyn weren't there "Dante where's Katelyn and Laurence?" I said wiping a tear off my cheek "Katelyn said she had to go back and Laurence...I...don't know." I ignored it and looked at Garroth "Welcome back Garroth." I said, giving him such a warm smile "Thank you..." His smile turned into a frown and a tear escaped his eye "A-Aphmau...I-I...need...to tell you something." 

Garroth's POV

I picked up the red bandana and held it my hands "H-He saved me..." Aphmau was looking at me confused, my heart broke everytime I said a word "A-Aaron...he came in and got me and z-zane out..." I saw her eyes widen, I clenched the bandana "He and Zane were facing each other...H-He killed Z-Zane...o-only...killing himself i-in the p-process..." I stuttered, trying to hold back the tears, I loosened up my grip around the bandana and I handed it to her. At first Aphmau hesitated to take it but she still took it..."N-No..." The red bandana rested in her hands "A-Aphmau I-I'm...s-" Aph fell to her knees "no...No...NO!" she buried her face in the red bandana and cried into it. Dante was shocked at the news and just stood there. Aphmau brought her head up and tears streamed down her face "WHY!" She screamed, A tear fell down my cheek "I-I'm...s-sorry..." I whispered...What have I done?

Laurence's POV

I was farther away from Aphmau, Dante and Katelyn. I stood in the middle of the forest "You can come out now...It's safe." I heard a giggle from the bushes, I turned around and saw a figure walk out "Thank you Laurence..." I crossed my arms "Whatever." I replied back, she smirked "Say...Why did you do that?" I rolled my eyes "It's none of your buisness...Just leave." She walked to me and stood right in front of me..."Why don't you come with me?" She said in a flirtacious way "Tch. My so called 'Friends' will be wondering why I'm not gone. They will question you first wouldn't they?" She giggled "How? When I'm not even in the jail cell..." I growled "Just.Leave. I got you out, you can leave now." She rolled her eyes "Fine. If you say so." As she was walking away I smirked and quickly said....

"Take care......Ivy."


THANK YOU FOR 6K READS AHHHH! *Ahem* Anyways thank you for reading this part of the book :) ALSO, Please forgive me if I made mistakes... :)

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