Calm Day...

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This chapter was one of those chapter where I just wright what comes to mind, so there isn't specific event or anything...but I still suggest reading this chapter <3 So yeah love ya. :3


Laurence's POV

Why are you so weak? You are in denial again Laurence. Aphmau hates you for who you are and you should accept it already, Shadow knights were never loved and you won't be either. A voice whispered in my head.

I ignored the voice in my head and kept crying, I was to scared to move or even talk. Everytime I tried to talk, the only thing that would come out was a sniffle or...nothing. Aphmau kneeled down in front of me and wrapped her arms around me. At first I was uncomfortable, but I just went with it and stayed in the position. "Laurence...It's ok, everything will be fine. You aren't one of them." I felt it go away. Her love for me...or anything was gone. Aaron died and she loved him.

Aphmau was one to show her emotions. Even though not alot of people could tell, she loved Aaron. It hurt me so much that she didn't actually love me...

As my thoughts drifted to that specific topic, I pushed her away from me. "Laurence?" A tear rolled down her cheeks...but she didn't show much reaction to the situation.

I wiped away my tears and stood up, Aphmau stood up with me "Sorry. I don't know what came over me." I sighed and walked to my bed "I know things have changed between you and me...but just know that were still...friends..." She looked down and avoided eye contact. My heart broke. Friends? Were friends... I sighed and stared at her until I felt the courage to speak up or at least end this stupid conversation "..Yeah." I sat down on my bed "I just need some time to rest." Aphmau nodded and walked up the stairs.

Garroth's POV

Katelyn was talking with Vylad and Travis, but I was just staring down at the clear water "Hey Garroth." I turned my head and saw Aphmau walking beside me "Hey Lord-" Aphmau chuckled and corrected me "I'm not your lord anymore Garroth." I smiled knowing that I made her laugh "S-Sorry..." I blushed from embarrassement "It's fine. You just came back, and Its been a long time so I understand." Aphmau rested her chin on the palm of her hand while she was looking at the water.

"Anything wrong?" I asked, she looked at me then looked back at the water.

"Did you talk to Laurence for a bit? Did you catch up with him?" She asked, I sighed and nodded "Yes I tried talking about him but he would usually leave early in the conversation. Plus, Katelyn said for us to leave him alone for now. Since he isn't being...himself...lately."

Aphmau just nodded but she didn't say anything back. That gave me time to think a little bit more. Laurence usually was a easy going guy before all of this happened, but things changed and he was avoiding everybody. When you talk to him, he would try to avoid eye contact with you. It was strange and everyone saw it. Vylad said something about him bottling up his emotions or trying to hide them from everyone...but I agree with him. He would give hints about it too. Saying What if emotions never existed or what if we were emotionless... I would answer back normally but I always wondered why he would ask such things... "Garroth? GARROTH!" I snapped back to reality and I turned my head towards Aphmau.

"W-What is it?!" I asked, panick rushing through me. She shook her head "Nothing. I was just calling your name a thousand times before. For some reason, you weren't saying anything back. Anything wrong?" I scratch the back of my head "Uh...N-No...I just zoned out a bit. Sorry." Aphmau gave me a weak smile "It's fine don't worry."

Katelyn's POV

I was talking to Vylad until Travis started walking towards me. He cleared his throat, making Vylad jump a bit "Yes?" I said looking at him, annoyed at his presence "Vylad, Do you mind...If I take Katelyn away from you?" Vylad looks at me but I was to busy giving Travis death glares "Travis please just-" Vylad interrupted me and looked at Travis "Actually. Yes, I do mind." He said staring at Travis, his arms crossed"What?" I looked at Vylad, surprised.

"Hang on. What did you just say? Sorry to say this Vylad, but Katelyn is mine." Travis clenched his fists.

Vylad looked at me and then looked back at Travis "Katelyn doesn't belong to anyone." He snapped back, making his voice steady and stern.

I was surprised at Vylad "Yes she does. Katelyn belongs to...ME." Travis answered back, pointing to himself.

"Last time I've checked, you didn't propose to Katelyn nor did she become your soulmate. She is still up for grabs, Travis." Vylad kept his look the same. Glaring at Travis non-stop. He didn't show anger or annoyance at all.

Travis growled under his breath "If you wanna play like that, then you'll have to-" Vylad smirked "What? Fight you? Hand to hand combat? Sorry, Travis. Katelyn is up for grabs and I don't wanna waste my time fighting you. I want to spend my time getting her. Logic." My jaw dropped to this point. I knew they were fighting over me but I was surprised that Vylad talked like this to Travis.

Travis struck at Vylad with his fist but he caught it "Let.Go." Vylad chuckled "You really have a breaking point, huh?" Travis acted quickly and body checked Vylad to the ground "TRAVIS!" I screamed. I was annoyed at their childish act.

Vylad stood up slowly and ran to him, full speed. Vylad changed half way, as he was running. He jumped towards Travis and tackled him to the ground "VYLAD IT WASN'T NECESSARY TO CHANGE INTO A SHADOW KNIGHT!" Vylad shrugged it off and continued holding Travis down "H-HEY GET OFF ME!" Travis shouted, Vylad laughed and actually got off. He changed back and laughed "That was fun." Travis's jaw dropped to the floor "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"

Third Person's POV

Garroth walked towards Katelyn, Vylad and Travis. With Aphmau by his side. "What happened here?" He asked, in a serious tone. Vylad chuckled "I just tackled Travis to the ground." He couldn't help but smile at his brother "How was it?" Travis stood up and crossed his arms "Not.Fun." Katelyn chuckled and put her arm around Vylad, not in a romantic way though "It was pretty surprising though! Why did you do that to him though?" Vylad smirked "I don't know. Just felt like it."

Everyone laughed a long with Vylad, but Aphmau. Garroth looked at Aphmau and gave her a confused look "Aphmau. At least smile, the day is great so far and it's coming to an end soon. Why don't you smile?"

She couldn't lie to him. Yes, the day was great but something was bothering her and she couldn't just replace it with a smile. Aphmau didn't want Garroth getting worried so she chose to smile. Garroth smiled even wider and wrapped his arms around her. Aphmau was surprised but she did the same..."Sorry, but I missed your smile." She heard him mumble. Since Aphmau was shorter then Garroth, he just rested his head on Aphmau's raven black hair. Garroth let go and smiled as he walked towards Katelyn and the others.

She didn't want him to leave her but she wanted to be alone so it wasn't that bad. The sky was beautiful, no signs of rain or thunderstorms. It wasn't to hot either and it wasn't to cold. Just right. Aphmau thought...but her thoughts started to drift to Laurence.

No, it wasn't how he looked, but it was...what was happeing to him as of late... She looked into the ocean and saw fishes swimming around...Aphmau frowned at the thought and asked her a question that she doesn't know how to answer...yet.

"D-Do I still love...Laurence?"


THANKS FOR READING THIS PART OF THE STORY! If I made mistakes, please forgive me because I am human too. (Or at least I think I am.)

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