A Different Person...

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~1 week after Aaron's death~

Katelyn's POV

Everyone just settled in the ship, Garroth decided to come with us and help us along the way "How's Aphmau?" A voice asked, I turned around and saw Garroth looking down "She's getting better...I hope." I mumbled the last part, He walked beside me and looked at the water "Where is Laurence? He should be the one who is helping Aphmau!" I sighed "Leave him alone Garroth...Laurence has been acting a bit off lately and thats probably because of what happened."  I felt a hand land on mine and I instantly pull away "Calm down, I'm not here to flirt but I'm here to ask if you know what happened to Ivy." I shake my head, Travis sighed "No...Laurence says he hasn't seen her." I answered.

"Who did I not see?" A voice says, we all turned our heads and see Laurence looking at us...his arms crossed "Ivy." I answered, he smirked "Ivy is probably dead." My eyes widened..."I know she's our enemy but-" Laurence looked at Garroth "Shut up Garroth. Ivy is none of your concern...She took O'kasis and your parents. You know I wonder if they're still alive." Garroth ran to Laurence and grabbed his collar "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU HAVEN'T BEEN EVEN TALKING TO APHMAU LATELY! SHE WAS HURT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO AARON AND YOUR MAKING IT WORST BY ACTING LIKE THIS!" I was terrified, Laurence never acts like this...

Garroth's POV

Laurence looked at me not removing the smirk on his face "Why would Aaron be any of my concern?" He pushed me away, I looked at him and his face changed. It showed anger "Didn't you kill Aaron?" My eyes widened, I heard a gasp in the distance but I chose to ignore it. Instead I stood in my spot frozen, Laurence smirks and brushes off the dirt on his turso "That's what I thought." He walked away...What happened to the Laurence I knew?...

Vylad's POV

Laurence walked passed me "Did you let her out?" I ask leaning against the wall, he stops and looks at me sending glares "Who?" I growl "Ivy. Did you let her out?" Laurence shook his head "Why would I? She's an enemy isn't she?" I look up and see him tapping his foot against the wooden floor "We all know that you've been talking to her lately-" He smirks "And that makes me the one who let her out? How pathetic." Laurence smiles "Whats wrong with you lately?" I asked him, his eyes widened but he relaxes after "Nothing." I walk to him and cross my arms "Laurence stop acting like what happened a week ago was nothing! I thought you cared about Aphmau? I thought-" He cut me off by striking a punch at me, his fist went against my cheek and I fell back to the wall "You thought what? That I loved her? tch." I rub my cheek and looked up at Laurence. He was clenching his fists "SHE NEVER LOVED ME BACK! I SPENT MY WHOLE LIFE FIGHTING FOR HER HEART HOPING THAT ONE DAY SHE'LL BE MINE! BUT NO! SOMEONE TAKES HER AWAY FROM ME AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME! I THOUGHT SHE LOVED ME!...B-But all this time...s-she loved someone else." My eyes widened at his sudden actions, he fell to his knees and cries into his hands...is that how he really felt? All this time he hid is emotions away from everyone, probably hoping that no one will know...

His sniffles were quiet but you could still hear them "She walked away from me like it was nothing...I didn't mean to be a shadow knight...b-but I-Ivy was right..." I looked at him terrified of what he's about to do...Wait a minute, Ivy?..."No one can love me...CAUSE I'M A SHADOW NIGHT." I was hurt, I was a shadow knight to...but not all are corrupt "Not all shadow knights are evil or destructive, Laurence." He stood up and wiped away his tears "How are you so sure about that." I shake my head "Nevermind. I'm a shadow knight too, so I know how you feel." Laurence walked to me and grabbed my collar "NO YOU DON'T! YOU HAD A KINGDOM-" My eyes widened...Don't go there I swear..."YOU WERE RICH AND WELL KNOWN! YOU WERE LIVING A PERFECT-" I clenched my fists and struck at him, my fist crashed into his cheek and he fell on the ground making a loud noise "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME! YOU DON'T KNOW MY PAST LIFE SO YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THOSE TYPES OF THINGS!" I shouted, I've never felt this angry before but for some reason my brain told me to do this...

Travis's POV

Me and Garroth rushed downstairs and we saw Vylad shouting at Laurence who was on the ground "You 2 stop this. NOW." I said, making sure that I got their attention, I walk towards Laurence and pulled him up "Let me go." He pulled his arm away from my grasp, Garroth helped his little brother calm down "What has gotten into you Laurence?" Garroth asks walking towards him, I step back. Laurence looks down, his brown hair covered his eyes "Your not like this." His breaths were heavy "L-Laurence. If you need time alone-" Laurence looked up at Garroth and calmly said "Yes. I need sometime alone." He clenches his fists and walks away leaving me, Garroth and Vylad concerned about him.

Aphmau's POV

I sat on my bed with Aaron's bandana in my hand, even though we got into fights I still missed him. His sword was leaning against the wall "I can't believe he's gone..." I managed to say, but it was only heard as a whisper...It's been a week since he's been dead and I still couldn't get over it. Garroth and everyone else tried making me feel better which I appreciated but... it sadly didn't worked. I brought the bandana to my chest, placing it on my heart. A tear escaped my eyes "I-I...m-missed you..." I mumbled. I wiped away the tear and I set the red bandana on my bed.

 I heard footsteps and I quickly turned my head "H-Hey Laurence..."He said nothing, Laurence just walked to his bed and sat down...not facing me. He ignored me the whole week... He was mumbling something...Why didn't she love me? I'm a monster. Was I good enough for her? Did she even like me? Were her, 'I love you's fake?... He mumbled, constantly. My eyes widened. He shot up and a tear fell on the wooden floor, his brown hair was covering his eyes "Aphmau...Do you love me?" I gasped from the sudden question...I-I don't know what to feel..."So she was right...all along. You never loved me...Was it because I'm a shadow knight? I'll leave and go back to the nether...if you want...Am I monster to you? I thought you trusted me?...I thought...I thought you loved me..." Tears began forming in my eyes...Why would Laurence say things like this?..."Laurence looked up and he ran to me, he put his hands on my shoulders "N-NO! Y-YOU LOVE ME RIGHT? I-I'M NOT A MONSTER AM I?" Seeing Laurence like this worried me "L-Lauren-" He looked down and fell to his knees, Tears fell on the wooden floor...I was scared and worried, my heart broke everytime I can hear him trying to speak to me...Laurence punched the hard wooden floor and I heard a crack from his knuckles, His fist was bleeding and I gasped...Tears rolled down my cheek...Laurence looked up his eyes were filled with fear and sadness, tears rolled down his cheeks. 



My heart was breaking the whole time I was writing this because...It just made me sad. ANYWAYS! THANK YOU FOR GIVING "HIDDEN LOVE" 50k READS HOLY MOLY AND THANK YOU FOR GIVING THIS BOOK THE SAME LOVE FRICKEN CLOSE TO 7k READS IT AWESOME! Also if I made mistakes, sorry. :3

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Thanks for all th support! LOVE YOUUUUUU <3 


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