Second Thoughts

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Garroth's POV
My little brother was on the floor coughing "Everything we've been through...and you decide to betray me." Zane was on his knees "It was a mistake." I mumble, he laughs "A mistake? Was it a mistake that your so called brother...decides to betray you and take the women you love away from you? Hahaha...I don't think so." I clenched my fists "You know nothing." My eyes showed anger "Laurence...why do you call him your brother When he betrayed you?" I picked up my sword and charged at him "YOUR DEAD TO ME!"

Laurence POV
I walked over to Travis "You ready to go on another adventure?" He chuckled "Heck Yeah! Maybe it will bring me and Katelyn closer..." He Winked, I rolled my eyes in return "In your dreams Travis." It was just silence until A Voice spoke up "Does he actually have to come?" We turn our heads too see a blue haired girl leaning on a pole "Yep. Why? Don't you want Me to come kitty?" Katelyn's cheeks turn red and she looks at me "I'll do it." She smiles and Travis looks at me confused "Do wha-" I clenched my fists and Hit him in the nose causing him to fall off the bench we were sitting on "ACK! I-I broken." I chuckle "It'll be fine." Travis stands up and covers his nose "Be right back...I'm going to ask Zoey if my nose is ok." I nod and he trudges towards Zoey's house.

Katelyn's POV
I sigh and sit beside Laurence "I didn't really get to talk to you..." I mumble "Are you ok?" He blurts out. I look at Laurence confused "W-What?" He smiles "Ever since the attack from've gotten...nicer." I growl "What do you mean?" I Said through gritted teeth "Never mind." It was pure silence until all the memories came back...Laurence saved me so many times and I let him die. But somehow he still Talks TO me and forgives me..."Why'd you save me?" I ask, his smile turns into a frown "Because...your..." he trailed off "My friend, Katelyn. I can't just let you die." Laurence tried to avoid eye contact with me... "But i've put you in danger so many times but after, when your somehow still alive you manage to still forgive me." I mumble, Laurence smirks "Cause I like you." My eyes widen "What?" He chuckles "As a friend...Another women is in my heart. Sorry." I playfully punch his arm "tch. But" Laurence shakes his head "Stop right there. I forgive you no matter what happens. It's not your fault that I was in danger...I chose to save you because your my friend and friends have each others back." I smile and surprise him with a hug...

Laurence's POV

My eyes widen at her sudden action but I accept and wrap my hands around Katelyn "What's this for?" I ask her, she lets go and wipes a tear on her cheek "For being such a good friend. Anyways, whats this I heard about you guys going on a trip?" I smile "Your coming to you know?" Katelyn nods "I know...but where exactly are we going again?" I frown "Well you see....the bandits who took Aphmau want her back so...they're probably going to do anything to ruin our home." Katelyn sighs but I continue "So we both decided to try finding the island for the Phoenix Alliance so we can send everyone there." She looks at me "Everyone?" I shrug "Probably most of the children..." Katelyn nods "Alright...thanks for the info. I'll go check on Travis...See ya later Laurence." She smiles and walks towards Zoey's house. "Hey Laurence..." A voice said, I turn around to see Aphmau "Hey Aph. Is anything-" I suddenly get pain in my head "Argh..." I put my hand on my forehead and I felt cold "Laurence you have a fever...are you sure you want to continue this? Maybe-" I cut her off "I-It's ok...I don't have a fever...maybe i'm just tired." Aphmau sits beside me and she wraps her hands around me "You're shivering Laurence and your hot." I smirk "Thanks." She gives me a confused look "What?", "You called me hot." Aphmau rolls her eyes "I mean your temperature is hot, Laurence. Geez, you're turning into Travis."

I chuckle "I-I just wanted you to smile..." She instantly stopped and looked at me and smiled "Laurence..." I was about to say something until my head started to hurt again "Argh..." Aphmau took my hand and I felt weak "Let me bring you to Levin and Malachi's house...your sick." I cough "i'm ok..."

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