The Fight

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Lunch finally came, and like always you try to find an area away from the general population on campus which was mostly in a secluded wooded area, due to the fact neither Chris nor Ana has this lunch on these days.

You began to put an earbud in and put on your favorite song, until you heard a male screaming. Curious, you went to go check it out.

As you made your way through the trees you noticed familiar figure through the undergrowth. Black hair, skinny jeans, light blue unzipped jacket; it was Mark! The guy had lowered his voice so it was hard to make out what they were saying from where you were; and if you've gotten closer, you would've been seen by them.

The male had Mark, who seemed to be trying to reason with him, against the building, holding him by the collar of his shirt. You could only see half of Mark's face and from the part that you could see he seemed to be frightened.

'Mr. Bad Boy not so tough now, is he,' you silently taunted him but quickly felt bad afterwards. You wouldn't blame him; you'd be shitting your pants too if that guy were about to punch you.

You concentrated closely on their lips, trying to see if you could figure out what they were saying; until out of nowhere the guy punch Mark, causing him to fall over to the ground. Then the guy kicked him a few times and left him lying there.

You tried with every ounce of your body to keep from going over to help Mark; seeing how it's best to let him keep his dignity as well as not letting him know about what you just witnessed.

Slowly he sat up and he held his face in his hands, with his elbows resting on his knees. Watching this made your heart sink. Maybe he does have a soft side...?

Maybe he's like everyone else in highschool, he's trying to fit in with the wrong crowd then gets caught up in violence by mistake.

You went back to what you were originally going to do, listen to music in the little nature the school had, but you couldn't stop thinking about Mark and wondered if he was okay. You decided not to tell anyone about it because it wasn't your business nor anyone else's. You weren't the type to gossip either. Crap spreads to quickly and is changed dramatically at this school.

You decided to invite him to lunch with you and Ana tomorrow. You knew it wasn't going to be a good idea with the, as you like to call it, 'The Ana Theory' where Mark likes you. 

Maybe by doing so, he'll have better friends he can trust. Hopefully he's not too much of an asshole..  

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