The Lie

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The next day, you eagerly waited for Mark to show up. Every person that passed the room, your heart stopped, then sank lower than before. Maybe he wasn't going to show up today..

You really hoped he was okay, you lost about two hours of sleep thinking about his physical being.

"So I was thinking," you began as you swung back in your chair to whisper to Ana, "maybe we could, I don't know.. Hang out with Mark?"

Ana looked at you with sly smile tacked on her face, upon seeing this you already regretted say that.

"Why the sudden interest in him?" She asked with utter curiosity.

Of course you weren't going to tell her about the fight, or how you feel concerned about Mark and the outcome of it, or how you're worried that Mark may end up something that he's unable to get out of. What if he starts doing drugs and becomes an addict, or an alcoholic? What if he gets shot? What if he dies? What if..

Wait why do you even that much about him? For all you know he could be smoking, or vaping, or whatever people like to do these days..

"Nothing, it's just yesterday I saw him and I noticed he was alone." That wasn't entirely a lie, and Ana knows that you have a soft spot for loners so it wasn't like it was out of character of you to bring it up.

"Well it's not up to me." She smiled softly as her eyes casted upon the door and following the broad figure entering the door.

You turned around in your seat and watched as Mark made him way to the seat next to you. Your chest flared with excitement that quickly turned into a painful regret after seeing the bruises under his right eye that drained down into his cheek bone and the noticeable busted lip.

"What happened?" Ana questioned Mark, eager to know the about the battle he had fought.

"I got into a fight," He started, sliding in his chair so he could face and Ana without straining his neck. "This guy thought, 'This ner... asshole..'"

He had paused for a moment, almost like he was trying not to say a certain word.

"'Thinks he so tough! I'ma show him what a real man looks like!' And he came up to me and was like, 'follow my ass.' and of course I said 'fuck you, i'll follow it if i want to!'" Mark smile a bit at the sound of Both, your and Ana's laugh as a soft shade of pink dusted his cheeks.

You knew this was a lie, but you couldn't blame him. People lose respect when they hear that they lost a fight. You are seen as a weak target, and the only way you can reclaim your respect is that you beat someone who is ranked as strong as you are (so it's a fair match). Than it becomes a never ending cycle. Someones has to be at the bottom so everyone else can get at the top. Sadly it's life, but without someone on bottom, there is no top and everyone would be no where.

He continued, "So I followed that ass." "How was it?" You chimed in. "It was okay, but not as good as mine though!" As before, you and Ana broke out into a chuckle again but this time Mark's smile widened into a full smile.

As Mark progressed with the story, you could see confidence shining brightly through his eyes. It was rather, how would you put it... adorable? You had to admit, it made his face glow in a certain way.

"So, as I was checking out that booty, non-pervertedly, we went into this area away from all others and said, 'Fight me, bitch!' I told him, 'look if I hit you with this,'" Mark flexed and point to his biceps. "'Then my fist would be the last thing you would see.."

Ana leaned forward and requested to touch his flexed arm. At first Mark was taken back by it and finally he gave in and flexed again. Ana giggled a bit. Mark then looked at you, telepathically asking if you wanted to as well. Of course you did. There was very little to no fat on his arm, and upon touching it caused you to blush and a hint of a smile, impressed by his strength.

"So, yeah. I let him take the first couple of punches before I went full force." He Finished.

You played along with this lie; but the more you thought about what actually happened, it made you wondered why he deserved it.

"Hey what are you doing for lunch?" You were relieved to hear that Ana popped the question that had been burning hole through your brain.

Mark thought for a moment, almost as if he was picking his words carefully. You waited anxiously for his reply.

"I don't know, I'll just have to wait and see why?"

"____ Wanted you to hang out with us." They both glanced at you, Ana smirked while Mark looked surprised, almost like he wasn't expecting that from you.

You shot a glare at Ana, as if you were trying to pierce her soul.

"Like I said, I don't know, so.." He muttered.

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