The Bento Box

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Class ran a little late, causing you to scramble and stuff your notebook and work into your backpack and as a result leaving your bag a chaotic mess; though to be honest, you don't really care about that now. It's lunch, and your lunch routine is finally going to change, in the non stressful way!

You were the first few to exit the door and scurried down the hallway as fast as you could, weaving in and out of the hoard of people that infested the school.

"Hey I have to go to the bathroom," Ana confessed as she wiggled a bit trying to hold in her biowaste. She quickly handed you her bag and darted straight to the bathroom.

It took you a moment to comprehend what happened, it all happened so suddenly. You threw her bag over your shoulder and headed outside.

On your way out there, you kept an eye open for Mark. Where was he? You were beginning to second guess if he even had this lunch.. No. If he didn't he would of told you... wouldn't he? Surely he wouldn't forget to tell you something as simple as that.

You found an empty table outside, and you opened Ana's bag to grab the lunch boxes that was packed for you and her. You and Ana took turns bringing lunch for the both of you, this time it was her turn. It was like it's a little competition on who could make the most creative and tasteful dish. As you set it down on the table, you noticed there were three boxes instead of two. It was probably an additional serving for Mark.

You waited for Ana to come back before opening one of the lunch boxes, just incase one of them was a special lunch for one of the three of you. Sometimes she would make special meals where everyone gets a different lunch, and when she does she forgets to label them.

"So where's mark?" You slightly jumped as Ana crept up beside you unintentionally.

"I don't know.." You checked your phone for the time; then you check your notifications for a text, almost like you were hoping for a random text from an unknown number that was magically Mark.

Oh you're brain loves to create improbable situations!

"Don't you have a class with him?" She asked. This was starting to feel like a game of 20 questions.

"Yeah, but it's last period." You stared at your reflection in your phone, praying to the phone gods for that text. Or That you somehow just know his number so you text him to get that fine piece of a-

So you could see what's going on with him and ask him why he wasn't here...

You and Ana Grabbed a box and opened it. It was like a birds nest, made out of pasta noodles. There were 3 little chicks in the center made out of eggs and for the beaks it was little diamond shaped carrots that was lightly folded in the slit on top of the boiled eggs. Under the noodles was lettuce.

Ana began eating, while you looked around hoping to catch a glance of a certain little bastard- You tried to stay positive. Maybe he's constipated, or has Diarrhea.

He better have not forgotten!

Your leg began to bounce rapidly under the table. "You're not going to eat?" Ana's voice snapped you out of the void of your mind.

You shrugged and said, "I just thought it would be appropriate to wait for Mark, so we could enjoy the lunch together."

Ana sighed before pointing out the fact that it was 10 mins into lunch, and if he really wanted to then he would have been here by now. "Besides," she added, "He didn't say for sure that he was going to hang out with us."

She was right, he did say maybe. Besides he didn't have to eat with you guys. You sighed and slowly picked up your fork and stabbed a baby chick in the face, and just examined it for a while before sending it to its eternal doom.

You were on your phone looking at digital art and how amazing they were, When suddenly...

"Hey," a voice panted, "sorry I'm late!" You lifted your head to see a sweaty bruised face. "Mark!" Ana cried, sweetly.

An unpleasant scent filled your nose as he sat down on the side next to you.

"Why do you smell like smoke," you asked, "and where were you!"

"I had to run... to the store for... a friend." Mark gasped in between breathes as he awkwardly sat there, until Ana handed him the third box.

He began to opened the third box, but stopped halfway and asked for some water. Ana stared at you, slightly upset like she forgot to bring an extra bottle for him. You reached into your bag, that sat between you and him, and pulling out your water bottle that was still full; surprisingly.

You watched as the water was quickly replaced with air. You and Ana stared amazed at each other by how fast Mark was consuming it. Then you both began to smile, trying to hold back a chuckle. He stopped and Glanced from you, to Ana, then back to you, confused like he had missed something.

"What?" He asked as he slowly set your water bottle closer to you. Both you and Ana just looked down and shook your heads.

Mark opened his box. "Aww!" He squealed and began to mumble nonsense as he looked up with a really dorky smile, but it quickly left like he just realized what he did and was not proud of it.

You and Ana giggled a bit. Usually you don't see guys doing that.

Mark glanced over in your direction, but it wasn't at you, it was at your bag.

"You have a gameboy color?" He asked as he pulled it out from an open pocket.

"Yeah.." You had forgotten that was in your bag and to be honest you were kind of embarrassed that you still had that. No one plays with a gameboy color anymore but you. You were such a gamer geek!

"I have one to-" "But you don't play anymore" You mutter, trying to finish his sentence. "Well, I mean not often but I still play it here and there.." He finished. You looked at him in shock. Finally another person who at least still turns it on!

"I even still have a Nintendo 64, NES, Genesis, SNES, and a Gamecube." These words made your heart spark and caught fire.

"If you wake up one night and you find someone in your house playing your games, it's me!" You stared him firmly in the eye and just nodded slightly.

Mark pondered on that for a moment, then he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could the bell rung. Killing the exciting conversation.. For now.

He looked down at his lunch that was still untouched. "You can give it back to me tomorrow." Ana insisted. He looked at her then back at the food, almost like he was expecting her to change her mind and take it back.

As you walked Ana to her class she smirked and said, "so, do you still think he's not your type?" You rolled your eyes at her then pushed her into her class and left to your next class.  

Punkiplier X Reader: Not So Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now