The Game

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Once you got home, you called out to let your parents know that you were home but there was no answer. To honest you were happy that no one was home because you were feeling kind of weird... almost like a depressing state..

You didn't know why you felt this way, or what even even caused it.

You threw yourself onto your bed and let out a deep sigh after plugging your speakers into your phone selected a random playlist.

Then you started to think about your day and what went wrong.

It started off well, than lunch came... but to be fair Mark did show up, so it wasn't like he didn't come at all; not to mention the conversation you guys had about retro game consoles which made up for him being late.. Then there that conversation about Mark you had with Ana..

Then there was also Photography. The first thing that popped into your mind when you thought back to when Mark had kissed that girl...

Who was she? Was she really Mark's Girlfriend?

You grabbed your phone and Text Ana

"Hey, do you know if Mark has a girlfriend?"

Wait why do you even care? It's not like you-


"No i was just wondering"

"I mean he doesn't seem like the type

to NOT be dating a random girl he just met"

"If you want to find out if he likes you"

"Then we can find out Monday"

"If you want"


"Alright see you Monday <3"


You hated when she has a plan, she never tells you which makes you worry because you never expect what's going to happen.

Your phone started to vibrate as it rang. Chase was calling you.

"Hello?" You answered. On the other side it sounded like someone kept blowing on the mic. He was probably in a car with the windows rolled down.

"Hey, we are on our way to pick you up!" Chase, screaming to make sure you could hear him quickly hung up afterwards, giving you no time to answer.

You stayed in bed for a while before getting up and taking a quick shower and putting on clean clothes.

Once you arrived at the 8-bit Arcade Bar you all walked in as a group and waited for everyone exchange all of their money for coins, then disputed it evenly throughout the 6 people in the group.

Alec, the driver. Chase, your best friend and the one who planned this. Brandon, Alec's little brother who came with us because he can't be home alone anymore after almost setting the house on fire trying to somehow cook noodles.... Stephanie, who is Alec's current girlfriend. Mikaela, Stephanie's friend. Then there's you, Chase's friend.

Honestly the only reason you even agreed to come along was because of Chase ...well, the fact that you LOVE retro games!

So yeah, you came because of the Chase, mostly the games but still because of Chase.

Hopefully playing games would help you feel better...

You went off on your own for a an arcade that screamed your named..

Punkiplier X Reader: Not So Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now