The House.5 : Games

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"...I can't...!" Mark's voice arose only for a moment before it went back to murmuring.

Soon it became quiet, then the door slowly opened. Thomas walked out and he smiled at you then went down stairs.

Mark held the door open, waiting for you to enter.

"Keeping a girl waiting could lead to bad luck." You said half jokingly.

"Oh, Like what?" He questioned your theory.

"Like me kicking your ass!" You raised your voice, trying to sound intimidating; but you still felt puny being next to a muscular man such as himself.

"How about this, I'll let you pick any game you want, and if you win I'll give you my gamecube with all of my games." He raised a brow as he crossed his arms across his chest.

You thought about the offer. "What do you get out of it?"

"A date with you."

The stakes are rather high and gutsy.. "Deal!" You firmly shook his hand as you watch his face form a half grin. "Deal." He repeated after you.

You weren't going to lose to him again.

He pointed to the stack of game cases that was on the second shelf, with his TV on top and his gaming consoles at the bottom. "Some games may not be in the right case.."

"How about best 2 out of 3?" You suggested as you began looking through your options. "I pick a game, you pick one and we pick one we both hate." Mark had so many games that wasn't even organized by the console... So that was the first thing you did.

Mark agreed to the idea, he got on his knees and help you organize the games.

Playstation 2, 3, AND 4, Xbox 360, Xbox one, Xbox, Gamecube, Wii..

"Aw, what! You have have an atari 2600?!" You squealed.

"You don't?" He spat harshly, as if you were the only person who didn't.

"For my game I choose Pac Man on Atari 2600!" You exclaimed confidently as you picked up the game case.

"Alright, I'll choose Halo" His voice was deep intimidating.

Now all was left was the game neither of you wanted to play..

"Should we pick a console first before deciding for the last one?" You asked. Honestly there was no way either of you would go through all of these games.

"How about Wii." 

You both pushed all the games aside and spread out the games in a row.

"Seriously, you have Tetris?" You blurted out. Tetris is like Monopoly, no one likes it, yet everyone has the game.

"Shut up! It was a gift.." His voice trailed off.

"Just Dance 2." You picked it up, at first Mark looked as if he was going to disagree but slowly he gave in. "Alright." He sighed.

"Alright, Atari will go up to 16 rounds, because it's the original pac-man.." you were slightly offended by his lack of love for original gaming. "Hey, 8-bit is the original gaming processor. With out it we'd be no where."

"Oh, don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with 8-bit! I mean that's how we first met, so it can't be all bad, right?" He was plugging in the Atari console into his TV, he looked at you and winked.

You awkwardly looked down and blushed a bit. He was... kind of attractive, honestly...

Suddenly your phone went off, startling you. Ana was calling you.

"Hello?" You answered

"Hey, Where are you? Are you okay?" She seemed concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm..." You couldn't tell her you was with Mark, she would never let you hear the end of it.

Just than Mark, who had just sat down next to you with joysticks in his hands began to moan next to your face.. "Oooh~ Just like that.. Harder.. Ung..!" His voice deep and breathy.

You blushed as you push his face away. "Mark stop!" you chuckled.

"OH! You're with your boyfriend...!" She seemed okay with you being with Mark, whom she believes you're having sex with, rather than being at school.. Some friend...

Mark continued to moan louder, "OOH ____~"

"He's not my-" Ana interrupted you, "Have fun! Bye!" Then she hung up.

You turned and repeatedly punch Mark in the arm, which only made him laugh. Your lips stretched into a small smile upon hearing his laughter. It was rather soothing.

Time past

You had beat Mark at Pac-Man and now you're on halo.. The score so far was 7-3 with you in the lead. The first person to 10 wins

You stood up and cheered as you watched Mark's Character drop dead in the sand. "IN. YOUR. FACE!" You screamed. "IN MY FACE? REALLY? IN MY FACE. OKAY." You could tell he was taking the loss personally, but you didn't care, you were going to get his Gamecube.

The round he shot you down, and the round after that, and the round after that, and the round after that.. Soon the score was tied with tied 9.

The room was quiet, concentration was high. "I'm getting that gamecube." You declared. "Wait," you thought about it, "Does it even work?"


Your concentration broke and Mark killed you instantly.

"OOOH! WHO'S FACE IS IT NOW THAT'S IN... FACE... ISN'T... it..." You both laughed at his failed comeback.

Just Dance 2 is going to break the tie. But now what's the point on getting the Gamecube if it doesn't work. Maybe you could find someone who could fix it..

The game just started, you and Mark began moving to the colorful silhouettes on the screen.

Suddenly you felt an arm wrap around your waist that swung you around, moving you closer to Mark who dipped then kissed you.

You quickly gave it, how could you not!

After a while he brought you up, then slowly parted. Mark bit his bottom lip as he looked yours as if he was holding himself hold back.

You awkwardly bowed your head, you didn't know what to do.

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 o'clock?" He whispered, your eyes quickly met his.

You sighed and said, "Fine, but only because you owe me for the broken Gamecube." You could see a smirk creep onto his dumb face. "Also I get to pick the place." You added.

"Fine with me." He shrugged.

Punkiplier X Reader: Not So Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now