The Stalker

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"So..." Ana tried to prod the infomation about yesterday out of you. "How was it?" You knew she was referring to the sex you didn't have. "How big was he? Was he hard?"

You blushed at the thought about you and Mark having sex. Though you would never actually do it...

"____!" Chase slid up next to you. "I heard what happened yesterday with you and Mark!"

It was morning and you were sitting at a table with Ana waiting for the bell to ring.

"What? No!" You screeched. You groaned, knowing it was hopeless. There was no way of you talking yourself out of it.

You looked around the lunch room and found Mark hanging out with the group of guy he bought cigarettes for. You could make out a few words, something about getting laid? Wait, were they congratulating him? Did he tell them you guys did... IT...?

Your blood began to boil, every ounce of you despised Mark. How could he tell people you had sex with! How dare he spread a rumor about something like that. That... that... BASTARD!!

You felt like crying and rampaging. You wanted to rip his throat and cut off his genitals and shove it up his butt.

But you didn't. 

You stayed calm and collective.. and avoided him the whole day...

Every time Mark tried to join the conversation you were having with Ana in Chemistry you ignored him and let Ana talk for you, even though you knew that she didn't know your feelings towards him has now changed.

You hated his dumb face. He's just like every other guy..

During lunch, you were heading to photography to catch up on what you missed. But before you entered you noticed the photos were pinned on the bulletin board outside the classroom.

You wondered if your photos was up there.

" ____, we missed you yesterday!" Mrs. Khan, the photography teacher, had slipped next to you, looking at the photos with you. "I really like these." She pointed at a group of photos that all had one thing in common... You. Well that and the background was black and white while you were still in color.

"You are very photogenic!" She complimented you, which you completely blew off.

All of those pictures were of you taking pictures of something else. All except one, you remembered that moment; it was when you were looking up at the sky thinking about how empty the looked and what the future would hold for you.

You became paranoid, you were no longer safe in your own skin. "Who took them, do you know?"

She shook her head, "I thought you did." She continued to stare at the pictures. "Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" She said at last

For a moment your mind decided to erase all things that it knew.

"Oh, did I miss anything important yesterday?" You hoped it wasn't an assignment that you'd have to rush to make up.

"We just learned about exposure and how it effects the photo. Don't worry it's really easy, so don't worry about it." She shrugged it off.

Your paranoia wouldn't let you stay any longer. Every hair on your body stood up. Around every corner was a pair of eyes staring right at you... looking into your soul... watching you.. They could hear you breathing... your heart beating... mind racing...

"Alright, thank you!" You quickly left, looking at every face, listening to every footstep and every conversation.

Soon you finally came to the realization on how ridiculous you were being.

Your phone buzzed. You checked your phone: 'Message from: That Nerdy Dork Fr...' It took you a moment to realize it was Mark. That bastard. You ignore the message and went to your usual spot in the wooded area.

(I'm going to add actual titles to the chapters for now on)

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