The House

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You eagerly woke up early the next morning, thinking about how you could crush Mark after school. You're going to make him pay for dominating you at your game! His tears would taste so sweet..!

Of course you'd wake up at the time when no one was even close to heading to school. And taking the bus is out of the option..

You just HAD to wake up at 5 A.M., didn't you? Well, there's nothing else to do.

You waited until about an hour before school and take a nice long stroll on the way to school, taking a detour to a longer route enjoying the soft breeze. It was hardly chilly.

You were just a few miles from the school when a car, blasting music so loud causing the car it self to vibrate.

"Show off." you muttered under your breath, not caring to look back.

Suddenly a black KIA Forte LX with black tinted windows slowed down then stops next to you.

Cautiously you slowed down, thinking it was some creep. You knew it wasn't someone you knew because they would of yelled out of the window to catch your attention.

The window fell about 3/4s of the way. The music grew louder

"HEY!" Your face lit up to see a familiar face, and to add onto it the person you wanted to see.

"What's up?" You asked Mark after he turned off the volume.

"Get in, we are going to have our little rematch where I'm going to kick your ass again." His voice was hard and demanding, with his intimidating stare. With a look like that how could you resist?

You got in the passenger seat and he began speeding down the road.

"So, 8-bit Arcade is closed." His voice rumbled as he quickly glanced into the rear view mirror.

The arcade would be closed right now because it's too early. It doesn't open until around 12 P.M. because that's about the time for lunch and some people would leave work to go, then of course after school the place would be packed.

"So the rematch is going to be at my house." he declared as he sped through the stop sign.

Something clicked. "Wait, right now?"

"Yeah!" He answered.

"I thought we were going to do it after school!" You shrieked as you swung your head around to stare him down..

For a second when he glanced at you, it was like he was a completely different person than before. He was no longer this confident, bold, determined, and demanding guy; and within that same second you could see the pain of regret in his eyes, the shy shriveled soul took over.

Mark pressed his lips together and looked out the driver's window but when looked back he was back to his normal cocky self with that sly smirk painted on his dumb face.

"Don't worry." He looked at you with fire burning in his eyes. You couldn't look away.

Somehow he just convinced you to skipped school in two words...

'Don't worry.' It echoed through your mind.

It was just something about him that makes you want to do everything with him.. He seemed so.. wild... So... adventurous!

You gave him a little nod and muttered, "..okay.." For some reason you trusted this man, this rebellious man with your life.

..Or the rest of it IF HE DOESN'T SLOW THE HELL DOWN!

Finally his car gradually came to a stop in front of a house. It looked nice, it was a two story house with a white Chevrolet Cruze in the drive way.

"Ready to cry in shame for the third time?" He teased you, which caused a slight adrenaline rush.

"To be fair, I let you win so it wouldn't crush that little ego of yours!" You taunted him back.

You both got out and you waited until he was ahead of you before you moved, so he could open the door.

"Mark?" A male voice called out from another room as footsteps arose coming closer to the living which you and Mark currently occupied.

Mark shut the door behind him as the other male made his presence in the room. "You're not going to school?" He asked.

He had a smaller softer face than Mark. With black shaggy hair and facial hair that covered his upper lip and his chin.

"Uh.." It took him a moment to think of something to say. "No.." He stretched the word, almost like he knew he wasn't suppose to say it, but he couldn't lie either..

For a moment, silence filled the room until the male bluttered out, "alright."

"Uh- ____ this is my brother Thomas. Thomas, _____" Mark introduced you two.

"Nice to you meet you," Thomas greeted with a friendly smile. "You to!" you gleamed, returning the favor.

"I'm glad to see he finally got the girl." Thomas quickly added.

But before you could say anything, Mark had jumped in at this point, "ANYWAYS!" Than he shot a death glare at Thomas, who just chuckled softly and walked to to the kitchen from whence he came.

"Come on," he muttered as he lead you upstairs but half way he called out to his brother, "We're going up stairs!"

"Use a condom!" Thomas replied.

"Shut up!" Mark demanded harshly.

You couldn't hold back the laughter that escaped as you blushed a bit. You knew you weren't going to have the sex with him or anything of the sort.

Maybe a kiss... Only if he kisses you...


You caught a quick glimpse of his messy dark room before he firmly grabbed your shoulder and pushed you back a bit and ordered you to stay as if you were a dog.

Somehow it worked. You didn't move.

He walked into his room and closed the door. You heard thumps coming from the other side of the door, as if he was throwing stuff against a wall.

Thomas came up the stairs and smiled at you. "What is he doing?" He asked you.

You shrugged.

He knocked on Mark's door and yelled, "I'm _____."

"Hold on..!" Mark screamed.

As Thomas started to walk away gesturing you to follow him, the door opened and Mark quickly grabbed his brother before he could move away from the door and pulled him in and closed the door again. It looked as if the room just ate him, one minute he was there and the next he was gone.

You leaned against the wall, listening to the muffled murmurs from the other side.  

(Sorry for the delay, this chapter is going to be divided up into 2 parts... 

the second part shall be uploaded relatively soon!)

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