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Its the second night I saw this man in blue jeans and leather jacket at this bar. He sit alone at the end of the bar counter. There is something mystery about him. The way he look at me make me feel uncomfortable. His face look familiar but I don't know if I ever met him before.

"Another shot!" He order after empty his glass. I glance at Robby but he's to busy with other customer at the other end of the counter. I sigh before taking a bottle of Bourbon and pour it in his glass.

As I fill his glass, I try to leave him as fast as I can. But he grab my wrist that hold the Bourbon and I look at him shock.

He take the bottle from my hand and take a long sip from it. He whip his mouth using his hand while I look at him strangely.

"Take it!" He push the glass that I just fill to me.

"No thank you sir!" I shook my head.

"Dean! Call me Dean!"

"I'm sorry but I got another customer to handle Dean." I replied.

"What customer? That man over there can handle it by himself!" He point at Robby and at the almost empty bar. It was already 2.30 am and most of the people who stop by already left. Beside this bar is and old bar. Only the people that live around here that visit this bar every night. And I also know each one of them since this was a small town.

"I still have other job to handle!" I try to give and excuse.

"Oh come on! Stop making excuses! Just take a shot!" He insisted.

"I don't feel to drink sir I'm sorry!" I said honestly causing him to groan.

I don't know how many shot he had been taking before but right now I'm sure he was drunk and tomorrow he will get a strong hangover as hell! He look miserable. His hair was messy and his beard was unshaved. He look unoccupied but I notice his got a very piercing blue eyes. Even know the light at this place is a little bit damp, you still can see his blue ocean eyes. It very mesmerizing.

"Listen here... what is your name?" He asked as he hiccup.

"You don't need to know my name sir!" I start to get irritate with him. It usually happen to me when a drunk guys asking for this and that. And trust me I hate it a lot!

"Sugar! Ill call you Sugar than!" He shrugs.

"I'm not Sugar!" I clench my fist.

"Well! You look sweet, just like sugar. Why not?" He smile showing his dimples. Wow! I didn't notice that earlier.

Me? Sweet? Like sugar?

"No way Mister! I am no sugar to you!"

"I am no Mister to you! Call me Dean!" He replied.

"I'm sorry Dean! But I didn't have much time to company a drunk ass man like you. So will you excuse me!" I said before walk away from him.

Hour pass by and he still insist to get another drink. But thank God Robby was the one who handle him.

I keep myself busy with cleaning the glass an arranging the liquor bottles before Robby tap my shoulder.

"That guy over there insist to talk to you! He said he refuse to leave without talking to you!" He sigh.

"Fine! Let me talk to him quick!" I said and went to Dean.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Hey! Don't be harsh to me!" His husky drunk voice echo.

"What can I help you?" I ask as polite as I can.

"You haven't drink this yet!" He raised the Bourbon he offer me earlier. I sigh.

"If I take this will it make you leave?" I asked.

"It depend!" He shrugs.

"Depend on what?"

"If you can finish it in one go!" He smirk.

I take the glass from his hand and swallow the liquid down my throat. In a couple of seconds later I feel my chest burn. Its been so long since I haven't taking any shot of any liquor. This guy is really get the best on me to do it. I smack the glass hard on the table.

"Now leave!" I mad at him.

The bar was almost empty, only a few guys sitting in one table drinking beer while chatting.

I look at Dean as he try to stand up and walk away from the counter. As soon as his feet touch the floor, he wasn't able to balance his body. He hold on onto the table before laugh at himself. As he try to walk, he almost fall hard on the floor before I get a chance to take his arm and put it around my shoulder.

"Sugar!" His raspy voice said excitedly.

"Thanks to me for helping you from falling hard!" I growl while trying to help him stand properly. Gosh he is so heavy.

"Where is your car?" I asked as we went out.

"That!" He point to a black Range Rover. Fancy! I thought to myself.

As we reach his car. He lean his body on it while get the key out of his pocket. As he got the key he look at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't drive! I'm drunk!" He spill.

It was almost 4 n the morning and there is no cab in time like this. I haven't got a choice.

"Wait here!" I told him before went in and tell Robby I'm gonna be back in awhile.

As I went back to his car, I saw he already sitting at the driver side.

"Move away! Ill drive!" I sigh and he do what I told him.

"Where did you live?" I asked.

He told me he stay at the hotel which is 10 minutes away from here. I drive him back to his hotel. I also send him all the way until in front of his hotel room door since he can't even walk himself up there. As he enter his room I walk back to the bar by myself.


It was the morning after the long night last night.

Me Robby and other staff was cleaning the bar before an elite couple walk in. The couple look really fancy in their tuxedo and dress. They look familiar.

"I'm sorry sir but we closed!" I in from them.

"We not here for a drink!" The man spoke with authority.

"Holly shit! Triple H and Stephani McMahon!" Robby said suddenly.

"Hi I'm Robby! The owner of this bar!" He introduce himself excitedly.

"What can I help you guys?" His smile won't faded from his face.

"We come to meet one of your worker name Sugar!" The woman stated causing me to widened my eyes.

"I'm sorry! There's none of my worker name sugar!" Robby answered.

"Perhaps this will help!" He handed him something like paper.

"Oh wow! Uhm! That's Giselle!" He look at me and handed me the paper actually I realize it was a magazine. And it had pictures of me and Dean? My eyes widened after saw it.

What does it mean? Why did this couple searching for me?

So I'm gonna leave this one here for awhile. The idea had come to me since last month. So I decided to give it a shot. I'm not sure either to continue this or not but you guys thought are needed. Thank you😉😉😉 please comment.

Lunatic Husband (Dean Ambrose Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant