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Giselle POV

Jay has been companied me at the hospital all day long. He just left few minutes ago as Dean come to pick me up as I'm about to discharge.

As I finish signing the discharging paper, we make our way back to the hotel where all the WWE superstars gonna stay. The ride was full with awkward silence since I've still not in the mood to talk to him.

He sigh as he park the car at the hotel parking lot.

"Look! I know you mad at me for things that happen before. I don't mean to hurt you this way okay! It just that... This is bothering me! You can't ignore me all the time like this you know? Beside, we we're husband and wife. People do believe that shit. The way you act earlier today at the hotel lobby was unforgivable! You can't just hug him that way at the public place! What if other people see that and start to posting some rumor on the internet?" He stated suddenly.

I just look at him intensely as I keep replaying what he just said to me and waiting for his apology.

"Okay fine! I'm sorry for what happened to you yesterday and all the day before that. Happy now?" He apology.

"No!" I finally replied him once.

"I'm not happy! You might didn't meant to make me this way but it already happened! You and your egoistical self ass didn't care about how I feel at all! Did you ever stop even for once and thinking about how I felt? I bet it must be none right?" I said to him making him stay in silence.

"Great! Now your girlfriend is here!" I said as I saw Renee walking to where we're we now.

I get out from the car as fast as I can even though my ankle still hurt a little.

"I hate you Dean!" I whisper myself as I walk away.


Narrator POV

One week later

The week had run painfully slowly for both Giselle and Dean.

They haven't make any social appearance together that week due to Giselle ankle injury that she had told their bosses. It only took her two day to recover but she took advantage over the situation in front of the bosses to avoid working with Dean on public. She also avoid on sharing room with him by asking the girls to sleep over at their room. It was really an intense week for both of them since they didn't even bother to talk to each other.

But unfortunately they can't avoid each other for long anymore since tonight the company had arrange a party with the media on promoting the WWE 2K17 and they need to show up as a couple.

Dean is waiting for her at the hotel lobby with Rusev, Tyson, Cena and some of the WWE superstar. All of them was waiting for their partner that getting glam up at one of the girls hotel room by the Glam Squad team.

Dean was never be a guy that like to wear tuxedo so tonight he was just wear a simple grey button up shirt with a black slack and a leather shoe. His shirt hug his body so well as the fabric wrap his muscle so well. He just let his hair the way it use to be because he like it that way.

Few minutes talking with the guy they realise their partner has arrived.

Dean was taken aback as he saw her. He never saw her wearing any dress before. The two pieces dress that she wearing looking perfectly fine on her with her hair braids a little at one side as the other fall perfectly to her shoulder.

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