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After the earlier incident at the gym I had run to I don't even know where. I've been staying at this alley sitting and hugging my knee to my chest. My phone had been blowing off by phone call and text message but I didn't even bother to answer. It stop for awhile before it went off again and again.

I groan and take a look at it. Dean.

"Yeah?" I asked try to control my voice from bursting out more tears.

"Fuck Giselle! I've been calling and texting you for thousand times already. Where are you? You've got us all worried sick!" He replied mad.

"I'm okay!" I replied.

"Clearly you okay! So what? You think it's good to just runaway like that from me and didn't even bother to tell me or the girls where were you going? You think..." He was mad at me and suddenly I can't control my tears anymore as I let a sob out.

"Shit! Are you crying?" He asked and I didn't even answer as I just cry.

"Giselle where are you?" He asked calmly.

I take a deep breath and look around me as my vision is a little bit blur because I've been crying a lot.

"I don't really know. It's an alley somewhere here!" I stated and try to remain strong.

"God damn it! Could you be more specific! Look around you what else there?" He asked.

"There's a gas station here and beside it got a little cafe named Denis" I stated as my vision become more clear.

"Okay that must be two or three block away from here. Wait for me at the cafe. Understand me?" He asked and I nod my head like he can see me.

"Okay!" I said and he hung up.

I stand up and try to straighten my clothes from earlier before grab my duffle. As I'm about to turn around I saw two man looking at me. I instantly had a bad feeling about it and try to walk pass them but they hold me.

"Where are you going baby?" The man with a weird beard asked me.

"Let go of me!" I growl.

"Not so fast tho. Why don't we have some fun first!" The second man which is bald said to me before he take scent the smell of my hair.

"Don't touch me!" I back away from them as I start to be afraid.

"Don't worry baby girl!" The beard man stated.

"We not gonna hurt you!" He added before they take few step towards me and I keep my self back away from them.

Suddenly my track was stop as my back hit a wall. It's a dead end alley. I become more fear than earlier. My day couldn't be ruin more than this. The sun is almost set. The place starting to get dark as the dim street light lights the streets.

"What do you want from me? I ain't got money!" I stated.

"Oh don't worry sweety. We didn't want your money. We just want to have fun with you!" The bald guy states before grab my wrist harshly making me yelp in pain.

"Don't touch me or I'll scream!" I threaten but they laugh at me before the man with the ugly beard cover my mouth with his hand.

"I don't think you can now!" He smirk at me before put some strain of my hair away.

I want to say something but I can. All I can do is crying as the two guy looking at me lustfully.

I realise one of them try to lean closer to me so I try to turn my head away as I close my eyes crying. The last thing I know is I heard someone yelling before I realise the tight grip on my wrist and the hand that covering my mouth are already off of me.

I open my eyes only to see one of the guy had been thrown brutally to the ground before the other one had been smash to the wall.

I look at the man that had his hoodie on to cover his head and realise it was Dean.

"Dean!" I mumble as my tears still flowing.

"G!" He look at me.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he rush to where I was.

I didn't even bother to answer him as I hug him tightly and crying on his embrace. For once I finally feel safe.

"It's okay now. You safe now!" He shush me.

"Let's get you back to our hotel okay?" He asked and I just nod my head.


As soon as we get to our hotel room I went to the bathroom and clean myself up as my sweat from the gym session this morning still can be smell and being cry a lot plus two guy try to rape me or something making me feel uncomfortable.

I took a very long shower before put my sweater on and pair it with another pair of clean legging.

I went back to the bedroom and saw Dean sitting there talking to his phone.

"I know. I call you later!" He stated as he saw me there.

"You okay?" He asked me and I just nod.

"Come here!" He patted the empty side of the bed motion me to sit beside him and I didn't even have the strength to argue him so I did what he told me to.

"What happening earlier?" He asked.

"Dean I'm tired!" I sigh.

"Why are you crying? Is it me?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Then why is it?" He keep asking his question.

"Dean please I'm tired! After what happen with those guys please leave me alone!" I sigh again.

"At least tell me why?" He asked and I burst out crying.

"Gosh!" He sigh.

"Okay fine I'm sorry. I won't ask why!" He said as he put his arm around me and I cry once again on his embrace until I fall in a deep sleep whit him still holding me safely.

Is Dean being sweet or what?

What actually happen between Giselle and his ex?

Let's wait for the next chapter shall we?

Plus ➕

I'm so hoping Seth and Roman win tomorrow on Clash Of Champion. So who's with me?

No hate for me but for the woman I'm so gonna go with Charlotte. Damn I really hate her as a heel. She's perfectly fine with it. 😂

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