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I want his snapchat to be public:((

your pov
As most of you don't know, I decided to start up a YouTube channel

I've got a couple hundred subscribers so far from playing with Adam and the guys

"What happened to your neck, y/n?" Ross asked, coming up to me and pointing to the hickey on my neck

I gasped and pulled up my phone, seeing I didn't cover it up very well

"Oh um haha, you see" I said before I walked really fast the opposite side

"Ohhh ewwww" he joked, catching on and going to the little kitchen area for a drink

How do girls cover up their hickeys so well?


I had a pretty unproductive day so far until he showed up out of no where

"Jason!" Adam said from afar, giving him a bro hug

Yes, Jason is in Washington again

Everybody went back to their offices and I was about to enter mine until he stopped me

"Can I talk to you, y/n? Alone?" He asked, scratching behind his neck

I nodded and motioned him into my office space

It was an awkward silence, just me spinning in my chair, blowing air every so often

"I'm just going to say it, when I kissed you, that showed I still love you and I would do anything to get you back in my life" Jason pleaded, grabbing my hand into his

I just sat there with my head down

"But I love Michael" I whispered, him sighing and running his fingers through his hair

"Remember when we said we'd be together forever?" He said, lifting my chin, but I turned my head away from him

"Don't" I dryly replied

"We'd get married and own a house in England with twins" he said, completely ignoring me

"Please stop" I said, about to cry and covering my ears

"I still have the promise ring" he said before Michael knocked at walked in my office

"I was going to ask if you wanted to get lunch, but looks like you have company" he said, chuckling and scratching the back of his neck

"No it's fine, he was just leaving anyways" I replied, standing up "I'll meet you in the car" I finished, smiling towards his direction, he nodded, smiling back and exiting the awkward tension

"Look, I told Michael about the kiss and he wasn't so pleased, but he forgave me because I told him when we got back so I don't want to be the cause of why Michael and I broke up" I explained, grabbing my bag and hoodie

"Turn off the light before you leave please" I said, smiling before walking outside to meet Michael

Someone had to tell him


"What did Jason want?" Michael ask, swinging our hands back and forth as we were walking in the food court

"Nothing" I replied

I didn't want him to get mad over something so petty

I can feel him tense, but he relaxes soon after

oh boy


I ran my fingers through Michael's hair as his forehead was pressed against mine

We were laying on our couch just appreciating each other's presence

"I love you" Michael whispered, kissing my head

"I love you more" I replied quietly, wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head on his chest

We both fell asleep in each other's arms for the night


3 weeks later (why the big time skip sandy)

your pov
The third time I woke up vomiting


I think I also missed my period too, but it must be late

Michael doesn't know I've been throwing up lately, but I don't want him to worry

After I finish brushing my teeth because let's all be real here, who wants to taste vomit all day


I exit the bathroom that's in our bedroom to see him sitting up, on his phone

"Good morning, kitten" he looks up to me and greeted, smiling

Damn butterflies, pick on someone your own size

"Good morning, baby" I replied, walking into the closet to get ready for the day


Michael went to the offices, but I went to the store to get a pregnancy test

Now why am I getting a pregnancy test you may ask

Well I did thought I had the stomach flu the first week, but the stomach flu usually last for about a week

I got three to be extra careful

here goes nothing


It was 7:36pm and Michael should be coming home soon

Soon enough, I heard the door knob turn and started panicking (! at the disco)

"Hey beautiful" he said as he came up to me and kissing my temple

"Hey um, I need to tell you something and it's kind of important" I replied nervously, looking down

"I'm listening go on" he yelled from the bedroom

"Ok" I whispered, blowing air

"There may or may be not a human growing inside me" I said a little too quickly

"Slow down and repeat that please" he replied, chuckling

"You're going to be a dad" I said, walking in our shared room and in front of him

Silence filled the apartment space

4 more days of school \-o-/

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