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your pov
Nothing but a tense silence filled the apartment complex

"I knew you wouldn't be happy about this" I assumed because of his silence and walked into the closet to grab a suitcase

"Wait you didn't even let me talk" he finally said, standing up and following me

"You're silence says enough" I whispered, wiping the tear I felt coming down

"Because I'm stunned with happiness" he chuckled, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around

I didn't say anything, but looked down

He bent down on his knees and lifted up my (his) shirt

"When did you find out?" He asked, looking up

"This morning" I replied, smiling and running my fingers through his hair

"Hey baby" he whispered to my belly, rubbing his thumb over it

"It's your daddy and I can't wait to meet you" he cooed (AN oh shït pigeon status again) kissing my belly lightly

He can back up and placed a soft kiss on my lips

"Should we tell everyone?" I said quietly and wrapping my arms around his waist

"I think they'll find out soon" he said, kissing my forehead and laying his chin on the top of my head


I was in my office, starting up my first YouTube video
I'm not going to be to big on YouTube, considering I have a child on the way, but it'll be more like a hobby

Maybe I'll be a gaming and beauty channel

I said to myself, spinning in my chair

I got a Skype call from Adam for a Do not cringe and I joined

(AN I think I used the Do not cringe reference a lot yikes)


Michael and John were filming the Bean Boozled challenge and everyone was sitting in the back, watching

"What the fuck, Barney" Michael said as John pushed the plate and jelly beans fell off

"You're eating two" he said and threw one at him

I couldn't help, but to giggle softly

This is going to be a long game


I was finishing up the editing part of my first video which was Tube Tycoon

(AN sorry it's my fave game)

Michael came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders to rest his head on my shoulder

"Hi" I whispered, turning my head a bit

"Hey" he replied, kissing my cheek

"We're going to lunch, want to come?" He asked, lifting his head up slightly to look at me

I nodded slightly and got up, grabbing his hand in mine and meeting the others in the parking lot


"How about sushi?" Adam asked from the drivers seat

"I can't eat fish" I said, fiddling with my fingers

"But you love sushi" he replied, chuckling

"It's not good for the baby" I whispered, he seemed to hear because his knuckles were already turning white from gripping the steering wheel

"What" he asked, trying to stay calm

I stayed silent

"We'll talk when we get back" he said as we pulled up to McDonalds


"So" he said as he entered my office space and closed the door behind him

"You and Michael are going to be parents" he finished, pulling up the extra chair and sitting with his elbows on his knees

"You know my bladder is really small and I have to pee" I replied quickly and got up, but he grabbed my wrist

"You're not that far into pregnancy and I would know because I have Alesa" he said, laughing and sat me back down

"I was only mad in the car because you didn't tell me sooner" he comfortably said

"I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid myself" I said, running my fingers through my hair then covering my face

"I would say I can help, but Alesa was the one pregnant not me" he joked, laughing, me smiling "but Alesa can help you out" he explained, reassuringly


I was finishing the dishes before I dried my hands off and went to the fridge to get a water bottle and walking to the bedroom

"Hey princess" Michael said as I kneeled on the bed and crawled to the space next him

"Hey" I replied, kissing his jawline and taking off my shirt

I forgot I wasn't wearing a tank top so I was just in my sports bra

Usually I would feel self conscious about being half naked around him, but I was too tired to care and I cuddled up to his side and closed my eyes


four months later
My baby bump is starting to show and today I'm going to the hospital for an ultra sound
It's also Michael's first time coming with me

He had his hand on my belly the whole ride there and it was the cutest thing


"I'll let you two talk about it" the doctor said, laughing a bit and walking out

I was at that part where we can know what the gender of the baby is, but Michael and I can't decide

"I want you to pick" He said, squeezing my hand a bit

"Is it because I'm carrying the baby?" I replied, chuckling and raising my eyebrow

"No um wait is this a trick question" he asked nervously

"I'm messing with you" I replied, laughing and kissing his cheek


After maybe fifteen minutes, we both came to the agreement to find out the gender

Today's the last review/relax kind of day at school then tomorrow and thursday are my finals then I'm out!

Comment the gender you think/or want the baby to be

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