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I moaned when I saw this yikes (the harry picture)

your pov
"Have you thought of any names for them?" Michael asked, as he was kneeled in front of me and I was sitting on the foot of the bed

"I've always liked the name Brandon ever since I was little" I replied, playing with his hair

"Do you have any name ideas?" I asked, lifting his head up

"I don't know I just really like the name Anabella" he said, standing up a bit and placing a soft kiss on my lips

"I love you" I whispered against his lips and placing my hands around his neck

"I love you more" he mumbled back, smiling


I went to the office because even though I called for the day off for my ultra sound, I still wanted to get work done

"What the?" I whispered out of curiosity as I approached my work space

It had blue and pink ribbons on the window and confetti on the floor

"I see you guys heard" I said, laughing as I saw Adam sitting in my chair

"Congratulations baby sister" he said, smiling and getting up to give me a hug


Adam was filming the Sky Media Cribs parody

I haven't talked to Ross in a while;
I missed that a lot

Maybe I'll talk to him later tonight


"We should do like a background of the sunset in the babies room" Michael suggested as we walked down the paint aisle in Home Depot


It was almost 8 and we decided to stop painting for the night

We used the spare room for the babies

We both had more paint on ourselves than the actual walls

"I'm too lazy to shower" I laughed as I plopped on the bed

"We can shower in the morning" Michael chuckling, smiling and pulling me into his chest

For the rest of the night, we talked about how we're going to decorate the room and what not before I dozed off in a peaceful sleep with my love


one month later
I've been eating a lot lately
I've also been eating some strange things

(AN this is irrelevant information but I just wanted to say that my mom told me when she was pregnant with me, she always craved lemons and that must be why I love lemons)

Like this morning I had radish and just radish for breakfast

"What are you eating?" Michael asked, coming up from behind me and pecking my cheek

"I don't know honestly" I replied, chuckling as I turned around

He connected his lips to mine and I started to kiss back
He trailed his hands down to my butt and squeezed them, me giggling slightly (AN why)

After our random make out session, I went in the bathroom to do my makeup; not anything too extravagant
I was half way through my makeup routine when Michael came in

"Why do you always wear makeup? You're gorgeous without it" he complimented, slithering (AN I SNORTED AT MY OWN WRITING) his arms around my waist

"Thank you, but it's not like I wear a lot I only do my eye makeup" I replied, giggling

It's true I hate wearing foundation and all that other cräp

"Adam wants us to start packing today for Maui (AN delaware if you know what i mean)" he said, kissing my neck softly

We were going to Maui for an office vacation



~time skip weee~

your pov
"Can you not?" I said to my belly, giggling

The babies have been kicking a lot lately

"What's wrong?" Max asked, concerned looking over to me

"Their just kicking a lot" I replied, laughing "do you want to feel?" I asked, grabbing his hand, he nodded

I placed his hand on my stomach

"Oh now you don't want to kick" I said, laughing, him laughing with me

We just ended up talking for the rest of the flight


michael's pov
"Just let me rest my feet, I'll catch up with you guys" y/n said as she laid back in the bed

"You're probably not going to get up though" I replied, sitting next to her

"What are you trying to say?" She snapped at me, trying to sit up, but ended up falling "help me up please" she asked in a soft voice

I gave her a small smile and helped her up

This will be a long 3 months


(AN it's 8 months with twins she's 5 months pregnant)

your pov
We were eating at this little cute café type place with the view of a ocean

Everyone was engaged in their own conversation when I felt something dripping

"My water just broke" I whispered and everyone seemed to hear because they turned their heads

as you are reading this I'll officially be a senior in high school!!
Thank to everyone who commented on my last chapter and as you can tell their twins!!
I had an pretty even split between boys and girls so yeah😅
I put the name in a jar and had my sisters pick out of it to make it fair because they didn't know the names
Thank you to:
@lunarixel for the name Anabella
@okayydayy for the name Brandon

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