Chapter Three: The Cullen Clan

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'I think I should introduce you to everyone, Bella' Carlisle said.

'I do think that would be good.' I said to him. Smiling thinking about how the caramel haired woman would be amazing with my father.

Everyone stood up in unison and stood in a line in front of Carlisle and myself.

Carlisle led me to the caramel haired woman 'Bella, this is Esme, she is your stepmother in a way.'

I smiled knowing that my wish did come true. 'Hello Esme.'

'Hello Bella, I know that you might not want a stepmother after yours died giving birth to you, but I'll be their if you want to talk to anyone' Esme said giving me a hug which I returned.

'Esme, I could tell you would be my mother when I first spoke to you' I said to her as we released from our hug.

'Thank you, my dear' she said and her eyes looked like they where going to cry if it where possible.

I smiled at her as I was lead to the girl next to me with black spiked hair. 'This is Alice.'

'Hey Bella, we're going to be great friends.' Alice said pulling me into a hug.

'Hey Alice, I know we will be best friends. I saw it.' I said as she released me out of the hug.

'You can see the future!' She exclaimed.

'Well I have more gifts as well. But that's for another day.' I said.

'Wait, you can see the future?' The bronze headed God said.

I sighed 'Yes, I can. I can see a persons past, present, future and read their mind while shielding myself mentally and physically from them.' I said to him.

'If you can see the future, why didn't you find us sooner?' Carlisle asked.

'I have been asking myself the same thing for 300 years. You must have been shielded from me each time so I've been looking for you blind.' I said putting my hand to Carlisle's shoulder. 'But that doesn't matter anymore, I'm here now'

Carlisle agreed and led me to the next people. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and the bronze headed one Edward. Jasper -the blond haired one- nodded his head down to me. Rosalie-also blond and beautiful- held out her hand to me. Emmett held out a hand and pulled me into a one arm "bro-hug". Edward pulled me into a proper hug. But his was different to the ones I had with Esme and Alice their was an electric shock that ran through my body like a buzz of some kind. I wonder what that was about.

Alice pulled me by my hand, when I let go of Edward, and she dragged me up the stairs at vampire speed.

'Where are you taking me?' I asked in a fake scared voice.

'To your room'

'My room?' I said bewildered.

'You've got to stay somewhere, haven't you?'

'I was going to buy a house for myself for when Junior year starts at school'

'Well, now you don't have to bother any more.'

We got to the top floor as she was telling me that the floor would also have Edward on the right and I would be in the room on the left. In between are two rooms. One was the bathroom I would share with him and the other was a games/lounge room for us all to go to as their was a "living room" as well. She pulled me into my room and it was covered in white and blue.

Their was a dark royal blue sofa against the wall facing a massive shelving unit for books and CDs with a flat screen TV in the centre. The walls where stripes of sky blue and white. Their was a dressing table which looked huge. Their was another door inside which Alice dragged me into.

This room was as big as the "bed room" itself and it was a walk in wardrobe!

'Wow' was all I could say.

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