Chapter 13 Out In Public

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'It was so much fun having you here Tanya' I said thinking about how much I wanted her to leave.

'I know it was fun but I've got to go' she said not wanting to be around myself and Edward as we are now mates and she still doesn't have one.

'Don't give up any faith' I told her.

'I'll try not to' she said as she ran off I tithe forest.

'I'm so glad Tanya reacted well to us being together' I said to Edward a few minutes after she left. We told her she could tell the others in Denali as well.

'I thought she would try to fight for me for a moment' Edward joked.

'She wouldn't be able to.' I smirked 'my shield is too powerful for her'

'And why is that?' Edward asked devilishly.

'Because the shield is also physical. It can stop people from attacking me and it can allow me to hide from others with other people in the shield as well' I said in the same devilish tone back.

'Prove it' He challenged.

'Ok then.' I said.

I breathed in and pushed my shield out an inch around me to make myself invisible. Edward just looked puzzled to where I was so I desired to have some fun with it.

I thought about ruffling his hair. I smirked even more and done so. He turned around and Alice came up the stairs.

'Alice, have you seen Bella any where?' He asked her

'No I haven't' she replied to him. I taped on Alice's shoulder to make her invisible as well. Alice looked back at me and I put my finger to my lips meaning "don't say anything".

Alice nodded in understanding and joined the prank. Edward just looked in circles around himself to try to see either of the girls.

'Oh my God, what happened to you both?' he exclaimed. How could I have lost the woman I love and my sister in thin air.

'Ok Alice I think he has had enough now.'

'Yeah' I released her from the shield at first then carefully off me.

Edward kept turning in circles and he saw us he stopped and hugged us both giving me a kiss on the cheek.

'Don't do that to me!' He said loudly as he released us.

'Your the one who wanted me to prove my shield works.' I argued to him.

'Still.' He said sulkily. Alice laughed and left us.

He put me against the wall and kissed me. My fingers went to his hair and knotted themselves into it and his hands pulled me in at the waist against him.

We released laughing.

He calmed down from the disappearing act from me with Alice.

'How would you like to go on a date with me out in Forks to get you use to everything here?' He asked me as we walked to my room.

'I think that would be very nice.' I said 'and if we bump into anyone from your school we can give them the story first hand then in September'

'Lets got then' he said grabbing my hand an pulling me out of my room.

He led me to his Volvo and we left to a store called Newton's.

'What are we getting from here?' I said.

'Well, seeing as we pretend we are serious mountain hikers. We need to keep up appearances by buying hiking equipment. We will encounter our first person from school here, his name is Mike Newton.' He said in a whisper as we walked through the car park.

'I guess his actual name is Michael then' I said in a whisper.

'Yes it is' He said back.

We got some ropes and we looked at the baseball bats as well. I held onto the ropes as Edward put his arm around my waist and I giggled at people's minds as we walked past them. Edward also tried not to laugh as well.

We decided on getting two extra Aluminium bats with some baseball bases.

As we walked to the paying desk the man -well boy, he didn't look very strong or muscular and he was only a junior till only recently, in September he will be a Senior like us- called Mike with dirty blond hair and blue eyes full of want when they saw me was there.

'So Edward, who's your friend? I don't recognise her from town.' Mike started to say as he scanned the things we wanted.

'Mike this is my girlfriend Bella. She is living with us as she wanted to stay with us when we met a few months ago when we visited some family members in Alaska.' He said 'Bella this is Mike. He is in some of my classes at the school we go to.'

'Right' I start 'it was good seeing you Mike' I ended.

'Maybe see you around school when it starts back up' he sounded hopeful

'Maybe' I said for him to hear. 'Not' I whispered for Edward to hear.

He tried to keep in his laughter. 'Well thanks Mike' he said as he got his card out. I picked up the bag full of bats, ropes and bases. Mike gave Edward the bill and we left.

'So how was the first encounter?' Edward joked.

'Lets just say it will be the first yet last encounter with him' I said trying not to growl.

We -I mean I- put the stuff in the car and we had a walk through the park before heading back home.

All in all, a good day. Minus the Mike situation.

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