Chapter 14 School

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My family and myself have been together throughout the last of the holidays together. Their was some funny moments.

Like when Emmett threw flour on my head last minute, so I didn't get a vision of the future. Or when Jasper took all of my awkwardness from then I started to live here and pushed it to Emmett after he threw the flour at me.

Only one moment at home was close to break my heart.

That was when I saw the picture of mum in my album. I knew a lot about her but I don't remember her. I am ashamed to say that I can't remember how she looked. But then again she died giving birth to me.

I got rid of that thought. I'm lucky to have a big family.

Over the month and a half I was here for Edward and myself have been together like someone stuck us together like glue. We where almost inseparable, until Alice dragged me away from Edward when we where kissing.

'What is it, Alice?' I asked her.

'We have school today.' She reminded me.

'Oh yeah, school' I said while she sorted out my hair. She put it into a French braid going from the very top of my head to the bottom.

She gave me some cloths. I put on a royal blue blue jumper on with a tank top underneath with black skinny leg jeans and a pair of blue flats also in royal blue.

I walked out and she gave me a bag for school in the same shade of blue as my jumper. 'Thanks Alice' I said

'No problem Bella.' She said.

I have to say out of the outfits Alice has put together for me, this was my all time favourite. Something simple yet elegant.

We walked down the stairs and everyone gathered around.

'Ok, Bella, your story line is that you and Edward where the best of best friends a few years ago and that you both lost contact and you both saw another when we were in Alaska and you met our cousins. You and Edward became boyfriend and girlfriend but your parents where going to move to another country but you asked to stay with us instead of moving an we gladly accepted and adopted you as ours.' Carlisle said giving our story line.

'That seams convincing enough for us to pull off.' I said.

'Have a good day, Bella' Carlisle told me.

'I will, dad' I said giving him a hug.

Alice, Edward an myself drove in the Volvo and went to school.

I got out of the car and Edward put his arm around my shoulders and led me to the office.

'Hello I'm Isabella' I informed the lady at the office.

Is this Isabella Mason then. She thought. 'Isabella Mason?' She asked looking through some paper work. I glanced at Edward quickly and he nodded.

'Yeah' I said quickly in reply. I was surprised my father put me under the Mason name then to the Cullen name, then again I would need to give a reason if I had the Cullen name.

She gave me a timetable and a school map. I quickly memorised them. 'Thank you' I said walking away.

I walked out with Edward on one side of me.

We walked to my lesson. 'Have a good day' Edward said while putting his hands on both sides of my head.

'I'll try to' I replied and he leaned forward to kiss me. After our kiss he left so I could go to lesson, as much as we hated leaving another-even if it's for two hours.

I walked from one class to another and everyone's thoughts where about me. The most annoying ones where from Mike -from the Newton shop- and some guy called Tyler who is Mike's friend.

It was lunch now. I got my lunch an walked over to the table Edward and Alice sat on. I sat next to Edward, of course, and held his hand giving him a smile.

'So how are your lessons?' I asked them.

'Not much different to the other hundred times we've done them before.' Alice said.

'What about you?' Edward asked.

'Not too bad, but Mike and Tyler need some manors to what they thought of me' I commented.

'How bad?' Alice asked.

'The worst' was all I said.

A moment later a girl with dark brown almost black hair from my second lesson came up to our table 'Your Isabella Mason, aren't you?' She asked. She wasn't nosy like others and she had a good heart and soul.

'Yes I am. I prefer to be called Bella though.' I said.

'I am Angela. I was in your second lesson' she informed me.

'Yeah, I remember. It's good to see you. Please sit down, it's fine' I said immediately.

She looked a little frightened but sat down.

'So how do you know the Cullen family? I don't think you where here last year.' She asked as casual chat.

'Well Edward and myself knew each other when we where growing up and we lost touch over the years. My family lived in Canada and we went to see some friends who live in Alaska and Edward and his family where their. We caught up on everything that happened over the years and we stayed round another's place every few days and he asked me out and we haven't been separated since. His family asked if I wanted to live with them and I asked my parents and they said it was fine so they set me up at this school.' I told her the abridged version of events.

'That is amazing on how you both met another again.' She said warmly.

'Thank you I guess.' I said with a laugh.

'It's amazing on how long you knew another for and still be together.' Angela said.

I just laughed and smiled in response.

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