Chapter 12 Tanya's arrival

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'What is it, Bella?' Edward said.

'It's Tanya.' I faced him. 'She is here.'

'Do we tell her?' He asked.

I saw the future. It didn't end too well.

'Not yet.' I said in a strained voice grimacing what I saw.

'What was it?' He asked.

I looked at him 'She will try to' I was lost for words for her trying to dismember my body 'separate us' I decided that would be better then anything else to say.

'What if we tell her you are Carlisle's daughter?'

I saw that future. She would accept over the course of an hour if I explain it to her' 

'Should I be my usual self from before I met you?' He asked thinking my depressed self that always turned Tanya away from me.

'I don't think you there depressed from my knowledge, but act like you did before you met her.'

He looked at me thinking I don't know. It still seams as though I should be depressed.

'I don't know anymore. Act like how you was to her last time you met her.' I said. I got him to look at me in the eyes 'I trust your judgement on what we have to do but I think we need to tell her slowly so she doesn't rip our heads off' I said gently.

He nodded in agreement.

Tanya decided to arrive at our home without our knowledge we could hear her thoughts calling for me and Edward.

'Come on Edward' I said to him. 'We have a guest'

We ran outside at vampire speed to get to her.

She pulled me into a hug that would crush my bones if I were a human.

'Oh my, Tanya. What a wonderful surprise. Did you and your sisters miss me already?' I joked to her.

'Of course we miss you.' Tanya said in her voice of an Alaskan with a faint hint of Russian. 'How are you settling in?'

'I'm perfectly fine. Carlisle remembers me from the 1660's. So that's a plus.' I said happily.

'Talking of Carlisle, is he here?' She asked.

'Yes he is. But we all need to talk before you talk to him on your own.'

But why? Her mind thought.

'A matter needs to be brought up' Edward said. He wasn't holding back on his depressing side much.

I'm so lucky he decided to talk. It would be a bit weird if I had to answers her thoughts when she doesn't know that I can do that.

She quickly gave Edward a quick hug -when I mentally growled and ripped her arm off- before giving me another and I led her to Carlisle's office.

I could tell she was going to need a bit of time. After all, I did lie to her and her family about being Carlisle's daughter them a friend.

'What had happened?' She asked as the four of us where in the room.

'I think it would be best if you sat down' I said gently. She moved to sit in an arm chair.

'What's happened?' She repeated.

'Remember when we met and I told you and your side of the family I was Carlisle's friend?' I said. She nodded in remembering that moment. 'Well. I am sorry that I lied to you.'

She looked thinking about what was said she thought I was Carlisle's human partner who died at 17 in the 1660's.

'I am Carlisle's biological daughter transformed at the age of 17 in the 1670's.' I said to her.

She was processing this information. Wow, daughter, Wow. Now that explains why she can see things from his view, like the animal diet and the burning compassion and desensitised blood aversion.

She was taking it in well.

Carlisle thought Is she taking it good?.

Edward nodded in his direction once.

What a relief. He thought next.

It took everything in me to not laugh.

'Wow.' Tanya said. 'I guess I could see some similar factors from you both but I never thought you would be father and daughter'

'I have my birth certificate if you want proof?' I said as a joke.

'I would like to see the certificate of I am allowed. Although I believe you are father and daughter' She said.

I ran up to my room quickly and grabbed my album from my human years. I flicked to the last -and in my album order case, first- page and handed over the certificate.

'Why does your name have "Isabella Marie Swan Cullen"?' She asked. She knew my full name was Isabella bit not the Marie or Swan part.

'My given middle name was chosen by my mother before she died in memory of Carlisle's mother and Swan was her maiden name before father and she got betrothed.'

'You kept both names over the years?' Carlisle asked me.

I smiled at him I walked over to him and put my arms around him. 'Of course I would. I will always accept both of my grandmother's names as my own. Never doubt that' I said to him.

Carlisle's mother's name was Marie Cullen and mother's mother's name was Isabella Swan so I was called Isabella Marie Swan Cullen.

I could tell the room filled with the emotion of proud honour.

Once myself and father let go Edward came up to me and hugged me in a "well done" way and in a "welcome to the family" way as well. The electricity flowed and when we first embraces the sound of and electric spark was lightly heard.

Tanya caught on with us both ,especially after the electrical noise ,and her mind instantly realised what happened. And we released each other.

'Are you two mates?' She said softly.

We exchanged awkward looks.

She jumped up and hugged us both. 'You two seem like a brilliant couple that deserve another. After all you both have been though, you deserve it the most' she was happy we found our mates and got over Edward.



Here's an authors note.

Sorry I haven't updated recently I am trying to upload more and I have started another book but I have thought of two others I could like to start but I think I'll stay to this one for the moment. Sorry again.

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