Chapter 11 A Helping Hand

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I finished the tapestry of all of us in the house, thinking on what to do next until I heard music from the piano room.

I smiled and ran to the doorway silently so my composer wouldn't hear me. I leaned against the doorway.

* Song playing is All of Me by John Legend*

Edward was trying to get some of the notes right so I leaned off the door way an sat next to him.

'Maybe this will help' I said gently and got the missed out notes correct.

He just smiled shaking his head at the piano. 'Thanks Bella'

'Any time'

He replayed the song with my help and it was perfect.

'What about lyrics?' Edward asked half way through the song.

'Lyrics would be great'

'It should be about our love for another. Don't you think?'

'Defiantly. That all of ourselves love another' I added.


'We make a great music team' I joked.

'Most definitely'

After an hour and a half we got our lyrics and we decided who was singing which parts.

Edward sings the verses, I sing the pre-chorus and we both sing the chorus and the bridge.

It worked well and the song was like it was from Edwards perspective or point of view. 

'Lets do a run through' I suggest. 'We can changed anything if we need to during the song'

We played the song (Play All of Me if you can) and it came out so perfect it could bring tears to people's eyes.

We looked at another in our eyes realising that our song was about ourselves on a more better level.

Esme came in the room and put her arms around our necks in a mini hug as I leaned into the hug and Edward putting his arms around us both.

Myself and Esme realised that it was a bit of a group hug so we joined in.

After holding for a while we released ourselves.

Esme went back to her planing while Edward and myself went to my room.

'Did you make this?' He asked looking up at the tapestry I made while Carlisle and he went for the walk.

'Yes I did. Did I get the colours correct?' I asked.

'Correct? The are exactly like how they are in the flesh' that statement lifted up my spirits a lot.

I walked to him 'Thank you, Edward.' And I placed my hands on the sides of his head an kissed him.

He kissed me back and placed his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

After another shared kiss, we asked each other questions like what our eye colour was. Mine where chocolate brown an Edward's where emerald green.

We spoke about people we have met in our vampire lives.

We then spoke about random stuff.

I spoke more on the last hunting trip with Tanya and her mental fantasies.

'Oh my, how bad where they on a scale of one to ten?' Edward asked.

'If you gave me the scale, it would break'

'How bad truthfully?'

I lowered my shield and projected it around Edward. I showed him the hunting trip.

'I'm going hunting' I called out inside of the cabin.

'Can I come?' Tanya asked.


We ran out to the woods. We both hunted.

'Can I ask you something Tanya?' I asked.

'Of course. What is it?'

'You know Carlisle?' She nodded 'has he got a family' 

'Yes he has' she confirmed 'he has his mate, Esme, and five children. Four of them are mates as well.' She said thinking about the people with each face popping into her mind.

'What about the last one?' I asked.

Edward's face was in Tanya's mind and I felt sorry for him.

'The last one doesn't have a mate but I want him to be mine.'

'Does he show anything towards you?'

'No he doesn't' she said too quickly. 'But I'm getting their'

In her mind was her kissing Edward in front of and Alaskan mountain with fireworks and a sign saying "In my dreams only"

'I think, if he doesn't show anything towards you then to stop chasing him'

Then pictures of her with other men came into mind of her nights with them.

'Do you know what? Your right. I shouldn't chase him. I can draw him away rather then bring him close'

I smiled 'go find yourself a proper man that won't ever thin about leaving you'

Once she rushed at vampire speed away, I relaxed myself from the mental pictures from Tanya.

'I feel so sorry for you Bella' Edward said.

'I'm ok now' I said trying to get rid of the pictures 'well to say at the least, I'm use to it after 350 years. My mind doesn't register it any more.'

He still said I'm sorry for you to me but I waved it off.

We heard someone coming from outside.

It was Tanya.

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