Chapter 9 Family Albums.

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After mine and Edward's date I walked into my room looking through my stuff that I brought with me.

I looked through the albums of photos that I have drew or taken a picture of in my 350 odd years. I set my albums up so the more newer pictures and drawings where at the front and the older ones at the back.

They where also in order of years.

I grabbed all of them and took them downstairs, into the living room.

Carlisle was also in the room. I placed the albums on one side of the coffee table and sat on the white love seat.

I had a look through the most recent picture in the newest album and it was of when I was in Denali. Myself in the centre with Tanya, Kate and Irina my right with Carmen and Eleazar on my left. The picture was taken a week I was at the Denali's home.

I looked further back in the books and came to my first ever album. I stroked my hand across the front of the cover and flipped over the page. It was a drawing of my father- Carlisle- and myself. I was 10 at the time when it was drawn.

My past at 10 years old

Father led me through town as the sun was hidden in the clouds.

'Father lets go and see the artist' my 10 year old self asked pulling my father with me as he promised that on my 10th birthday he would get a picture of us both drawn by the artist.

Later that day he took me to our home when he got an older girl to watch me while he and Grandpa went out after finding out about the London "Cold-Ones" Vampires. That was the last day I saw him.

I looked up at Carlisle after my mini flash back. I smiled sadly in his direction from that day.

'Bella what is it?' He asked as he saw me putting my head down after looking up at him.

'I was just looking in the albums I put together over the years and I remembered the picture from when I was 10' I replied taking the album up to him and showing the picture of us that day.

'I remember that day' he said sadly looking from the picture to me and putting an arm around my shoulders.

'It was probably tough for both of us' I said.

'It was' he said pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath in.

I turned the page and saw the tapestry of both of us that I made when I was nine years old. It looked exactly like how we looked. That's when I realised I was good at art and tapestry. Well I knew about art but not anything to do with materials.

I remember getting the exact colour for our hair, eyes and skin tone. In the end it was a work of pure art.

I am so lucky I decided to start the albums.

'What happened to you when you was 10 after I transformed?' Carlisle asked looking at the tapestry.

'Well, I found our more information about Mum, her family originally came from Italy, hence why my name sounds Italian and I visited Italy when I was 15 with Grandpa and a Italian translator.

When I was 16 Grandpa tried to get me into an arranged marriage to a man who was 21 at the time and I told him to put the marriage off until I was 18 and he decided when I was 17 to get the marriage over and done with on my 17th so I ran away when I found out.

Days later I bumped into the vampire that transformed you and I wanted to have that amount of power and speed that would allow me to have an upper hand. He was thirsty and he drank my blood leaving a bit to help complete the transformation and he put his venom into me.

He tried to get me to hunt the "normal vampiric way" but I couldn't do that, I never tasted human blood in my life as a vampire but I was becoming more and more better at it to even be in the same room as someone with their arm or led cut and be fine became a regular thing to me. And for that I was happy that I could get past what happened and got on with life as a vampire.' I told him every thing that happened to me.

He brought me into another hug and stroked my hair with one hand and the other was around my shoulders. I put mine around him as I felt venom fill my eyes but it never shed.

'I am so sorry this happened to you, my Bella' My father said as his voice broke slightly.

'Don't apologise any more. We are here as father and daughter again' I said with my voice breaking as well.

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