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To most people, the girl was simply standing outside a rusty, wrought-iron gate, staring at the huge mansion that was sitting abandoned in the middle of the overgrown garden and steadily falling apart. Normal people never gave the place a second glance. Or if they did, their gaze was filled with fear and disgust. But the girl, whose name was Kelly, didn't see that. She saw that the mansion was well maintained, the garden filled with soft night-blooming flowers, and the gate was well polished. 

She looked at it, and sighed. There was no way her parents would let her have friends over. But she had to try. After all, the house was lonely with just her in it. She pushed the gate open, and shut it behind her. She then carefully walked down the gravel path, glancing around to see if her mother was in the garden. When she reached to door, she turned the knob and quickly disappeared inside. 

"Mom!" Kelly called. "Dad!"

Her dad popped his head around the corner. "Wolcome home, Kellian."

Her mom phased through the wall and into the hallway. "Hello, dear. Would you kindly help your mother out? My 'ghostfriend' spell has gotten stuck."

Kelly rolled her eyes and spoke an incantation. "Kiyamar quios."

The phantom solidified and her mother gave Kelly a hug. "Thanks. Now. What did you need?"

"Well, um. I was wondering if Beca could come over. " Kelly said.

"Is she gifted?" Her father called.

"Well, um. . . I don't know."

"Oh dear." Her mother murmured. "Who are her parents?"

"Silas and Louise Fredricks." 

"Hmm. I'll have to ask the seeing dragon. I'll ask now, and let you know by suppertime. "

Kelly hugged her mother. "Thanks, Mom."

She patted Kelly's head. "No problem, dear."

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