Chapter 15: Getting worse

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Once I get Into his car, we don't talk. Namjoon stay focus on the road. I can't wait anymore, I have to explain what happen . I can't stay here and living like this. "Namjoon, I'm going to explain everything.... " I stopped cause he try to cut me. "No, listen I'm talking. *he suddenly quiet* yesterday... I know you saw that.... he is my ex boyfriend. *I sigh* about the hug. He was too happy to see me. Isn't that normal to hug? - " I stop there cause he interrupt me. " Oh normal? What if someone you don't like hug me? What did you feel? Okay? Its my turn to speak, I'm your boyfriend, I don't want you to be hurt-" I cut him. "Wait, what is so hurt. I'm not on his side. But you acting like this , And, you don't give me a chance to explain" I rise my voice. Suddenly, he stop the car on somewhere I don't know.

"Ahhhhhhh!" He shouted. And start to crying. I just want to hug him real bad. I can't see him like this. Before he do something stupid I ask him to get out from the car. "Namjoon, get out" I said and get out from the car. After 1 minutes, he came out. We face to face, I stare him in his eyes. " tell me what you wanna tell, if you hurt seeing I do that, tell me Namjoon . Don't just keep quiet. " I said. He just crying. "I'm sorry, I wish I could explain this well, we just talk and not doing anything. Please don't misunderstanding me. Im still yours Namjoon." I end my words with crying. Suddenly speak, "I'm not blamming you, the one should be blame right now is me, I don't give you a chance to explain." He said.

We get into the car, still the atmosphere is silent. Only seventeen pretty u can be heard. I slow the volume and hoping Namjoon will talk to me. But still he just focus to the road. Were finally reach my home. "Thank you for this 3 day Namjoon. I know it could be better if -" . "If I don't misunderstood you. You can rest well now. And I'll be out station tomorrow till next month with BTS" He stop. He seem don't want to tell me where he going, and I came out from the car. He not saying I love you, take care and so on. I know he still sad. He just drove of till I can't see his car.

I laid my back on my bed. Try to close my eyes and try to recall my memory. I'm start to crying again. What if he want break up? What if he find a new girl? What if he leave me like zico did? I keep asking myself. I don't want to lost him anymore.

I go to the kitchen, to find my mom. Yes, as expected, she was there. I hug him from behind. She just smiling. "What are you cooking? I'm sorry I couldn't call you yesterday" I said. "Its okay. I'm cooking chicken curry. Its your fav" my mom said. "Ah, chae.... who is that? The one who send you just now?" Ask my mom. "He is Namjoon, my boyfriend " I said slowly. My mom just smiling "aigooo, our chae is getting big now and she even have a boyfriend. When will you let me meet him? I want to know who is my son in law too. " she spoke again. My mood suddenly fall. "Later" I give her my fake smile. Oh I wish I could bring him to see my mom.


This is 3 week after the incident, Namjoon didn't call me or message me. Where is he going? Am I still part of his life?

I grab my towel, go to the bath room. After shower, I sit on my make up table, stare at the mirror. I sigh, "it was my fault. If I don't let zico grab my hand, this wouldn't be like this " I monologue. I go to my closet, and I saw the shirt that Namjoon bought for me at the fancy something store. I miss him. Real bad. Suddenly I heard vibrates that come from my phone. Look! It was Namjoon! "We have to talk, meet me at my house tonight at 7:30pm" I'm so excited . He already in seoul? Why he didnt inform me? And, why is he not picking me up? There's anything serious?

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