Chapter 21: Seoul, I'm coming home!

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Wow! The day finally come. I'm coming home soon! I just can't wait to see them. Current time is 5:30am . Only 30 minutes left before I move to the airport. I have to make sure my things get packed and nothing left out.

Waiting for the announcement, I go to Starbucks and bought coffee, so that will not make me feel sleepy.

*for Seoul,Korea passenger, you may get in the plane now. We will fly less than 15 minutes. Thank you.*
After the announcement, I get up from my seat, looking around. Its too hard to leave this beautiful country. No worries, I will come back soon as a foreign student. I take steps to the plane without any hesitations.

In plane
Finally I sat on my seat, I take first class so I can get my personal service and I have free time.

I saw the food truck coming and I orders some fresh orange and chicken rice. After 10 minutes the food finally come. They even give me dessert and snacks. I love the service. After 30 minutes, I feel so sleepy. Well, this may take 13 hours to reach Korea. So why not we sleep first because this morning I have to wake up and didn't get enough sleep.

~~13 hours pass~~✈

*ting!* "I am your captain, I will announce we will land at gimpo airport about 2 minutes from now. Thankyou for choosing this flight. I hope you enjoying this flight and have a nice day" said the captain.

I fasten my seatbelt, the plane already landed .

I stepped out from the airplane door frame, slowly.

Woahhhh ! Im finally at korea. My hometown . 4 days feel like thousand years. "I can finally meet my family, my hyuna ,my catleena ,and namjoon!". I monologue inside.

With bright smile, I step onto the building. Taking my phone out from the bag, searching namjoon number.

"Yes I found it". Without thingking twice, I touch the call button.

Namjoon pick his phone after the second buzzed.

Namjoon: chae? You at korea now?
Me: yes. Where are you? Dont say u didnt pick me...
Namjoon: why would I? Im waiting here like 3 hours ago.
Me: what? I didnt tell you what time I arrive ?
Namjoon: yes. But its okay. Everything for you .
Me: ergh whatever. Where are you?
Namjoon: here. I can see you from here.
Me: oh yes, there you are. Okay.

I ended up the conversation.

Slowly walking to namjoon, he gave me a hug and  his brigh smile,  poped his dimples. Oh god, he look freaking hot right now.

"Welcome home chae!" He said.
"Oh thankyou" I said.
Strangely, we talk like friends again, not like we on the phone.

He suddenly take my bags.
"Its okay. I can do it" I said.
"Chae, let me be your man today or maybe forever. Ill do anything for you," he said.
I lose on that game . He sound so romantic. Damn I lost it again.

We on our way to namjoon car. He push the "open" button . The. The car give us cute "click" sound. He directly put my bags on the back seat. He opened the door for me like always. God, I miss he doing this. Because last time we fight, I need to open it by myself.

"Ladies first" he spoke. I just give him my  random smile. I just dont know what to say. Why I feel like I slowly falling back to  him? Ah molla.

He brought me to the ..... wait. Isnt this the luxury restaurant that we ate  on our first lunch? Hah? What is he up to? Or maybe this is his favorite place. Yes.

The door opened, as always namjoon will talk to the waiter and ask for a table. The waiter leading us to the table, but...... not like a common table like we sit and eat 4 years ago. It full of red rosses. With candle .. what? Is? That? For?

The waiter leave us , only me and namjoon was there. He pull the chair for me and I smile at him and sit down. He go to his place and finally sit down. We facing each other. Why do I feel so awkward right now? We always do this before. Why?

After 1 minute of  silence.
"Chae...." he finally spoke.
"Nae?" I smile to make it not awkward.
"I will ask you again the question that I gave to you yesterday." He said.
I just nodded. I know he will end up asking me that question again. And I already set my mind.
"I miss you, your laugh, smile,crying face, your smartness, everything..... without you, I feel lonely. I feel the rainbows in me is missing. Im completely dark. Chae, I know you still cannot move on at the mistake that I made 1 years ago. But, will you be my girlfrriend again? Please chae. If you want me to survive. Please accept me chae." He said. He begging on me. I cant see him like that. Its hurting me even more.

I keep on silent for 1 minute. He still looking at me with his eyes tell me to accept him. my mind is working.
I smiled. "Namjoon, you know I love you more than you expect. I miss you more than you know. I cannot describe how bad am I loosing someone who really loves me. And it was you. Knowing you hurt yourself because of me. It feels like killing me 10x ." I cry. He hold my hands.
"And the answer is?" He asking.
"It was yes." I said.

He get up from his chair. He hugged me. With his husky voice "thankyou so much chae, I know you will never let me down. I love you so much". "I love you too joon" I said.

I heard clapping sounds. It was bangtan behing us(again). They congratulate us. Jhope screaming so loud and seokjin oppa smack his head. Everybody laugh at their action. So cute. Namjoon smiling and kiss my forehead. " I will never ever ever let you go again" he said. I just smile. I hope he keep his promise this time.

My house
We arrive at my house. Clock showing 8:00pm. Its still early.

"Namjoon, will you go inside and meet my mom?" I ask.
"Your mom? Um. Well as long as she wont eat me . Then I will in." he laugh.
"Pabo" I punch his arm.

Namjoon helping me to bring my bags into the house. I search my mom.
"Mommy! Im home. We have guests here!" I shouted.
Then I saw she running from the kitchen. Well there is my mom. Clumsy all the time.

"Aigoooooo, uri chae is homed" she say and hugged me tightly.
"I miss you mom. Is everything good? How about catleena?" I asked.
"Shes fine. Everything was smooth. And who is this handsome guy behind you" she asked.
Namjoon look at the floor with shy face. I rolled my eyes and smile.
"He is namjoon. The one that you really want to meet that day mom" I said.
"Aigooooo, son in law? " she laugh. That surely release my stress.
" come, sit there. Ill make you some juice." My mom said.
she run to the kitchen quickly.

"Hand me the bag, I will bring it up" I said. "Let me help you, where is your room" namjoon asked. " ah, its okay . My room little bit messy" I said give him an excuse. But too bad he wont listen to me. "Its okay, I will accept everything about you chae" he said. Ah, he start it again with that cheesy word. I lost again. And lead him to  my room.

I open the door. We step into it . A room with pink colour, typical girl.
"Put it here" I said.
"Wow, is this you say messy chae?" He said. I just laugh at his amaze face because too cute.
"Later I show you my room, and tell you what is messy are" he laugh. I punch his chest lightly. And go to downstair again.

We sat on our original position just like 10 minutes ago, my mom come and bring us some snacks and lemon juice.

She sat apposite from us. So she can easily talk to us.

And the namjoon interview begin.

*sorry for making you guys waiting for too long for this chapter. Its kinda long. I hope u guys enjoy reading. Thankyou.

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