Chapter 19: Australia

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Here I am In Australia. Now I can feel the fresh Australia air after 13 hours in flight.

Before came here, I already booked a hotel. So I don't have to looking out for, I only have to take taxi to go there.

(In hotel)
"Ah! *lying on the bed" " I yelled. I have to sleep earlier. Current time is 9:54pm. So cold in here cause they don't have heater. I go bath, then go to sleep. Tomorrow I'll be at the camp for register . My dream slowly come true. Goodnight.

Trying to close my eyes, I heard my phone ringing. Who's dare to bother my beauty sleep? Annoying. I look at the screen, Hyuna's name appears. I Pick it up.

"Cha-" she said but she got stop by someone. His voice so familiar. "Hi Lee Chaelin" that voice...... Namjoon voice! "Ohhh? Who's this?" I ask to making sure I'm not wrong. "Its me, Namjoon. Why you go to Australia without saying goodbye to me?" He ask. What? For what? What is he for me now? Urgh this annoyed me so much. But Im glad he knew I'm here. "I just.... forgot" I said. Then I heard Hyuna doing mouth fight with Namjoon . I just heard through the line. These guys so cute. "Chae! Ill be there" seem like Namjoon shouting. "W...what?" I ask. And the line got cutted.

Ah! So bright. I must get ready early so no need to rush. Today is my register day. After register, I'll go walk anywhere. Actually I'm staying here for 4 days only, after that I'll back to Seoul. Today is my second day. So I have 1 1/5 Day more to explore Australia.

(Register hall)
Wow! So huge I said. The design look so good and the colour catchy. I walk to the arrow they gave, and wow again, the que so damn long. I get annoyed so easily these days. So I just wait here and wait till they shout name.

After 4 and half hours waiting, finally! They call my name.

Done register, I walk off to the hall door frame. Now I'm done. The things that we will do now is! Explore Australia! Or maybe more like bonus vacation.

Oh such a bright day today, I was walking on the famous street where people give birds food *that is what I see* I saw a cutie couple sat on a brench eating cone Ice cream. This making me jealous so much. I miss being in relationship. Wait what? I give myself a soft slap at my face. Why? Why am I talking about relationship now? Hah? I must be joking. Don't say you miss being in relationship with Namjoon, chae. No you won't.

I stop at famous restaurant called "Franklin". which is Top 100 famous restaurant in Australia. what I like about this restaurant is, the design so Hipster, they set the table properly *there's much space to walk* and important things is the food. The food so good and delicious.

Done eating, I walk to Melbourne city street. So many sellers selling contton candy, pop corn and else. Which is good for a couple. Wait? Why am I like this? Stop it! Hugh. I walk at the street with loneliness, I once buy a cotton candy to eat. So sugary. Well that's why it called cotton candy. Is that a joke? Nope.

While walking, I didn't realize that it's 6 minutes till night. Woah, I never expected I walk alone with so much fun. So I rushing back to the hotel. Its quite late.

"*667* that is" talking to myself. That is my room number. I slide the key card to the silver box on the door. *clicked* it give me a cute sound. I open the door, put my bag aside. Place my shoes properly besides the closet. I grab my towel go to the bathroom. it feels so good after a sweaty day walking alone at Melbourne city.

Done bathing, I sat in front of my makeup table. I put some lotion on my body, comb my hair. I getvup and straightly goes to my closet. I pick my hotel pyjama. I sat on the bed beside my phone. I stare at it and suddenly my phone is ringing. Wow, I never expect that. Its unknown number. Without hesitation I pick it up.

"Hello? Who's this?" I said. "Hello Lee Chaelin" this person sound like a man. "Who are you? Where do you get my number?" I asked. "Wow Chill down, I'm Namjoon. U don't know me?" He said. As expected it's him. Ah this guy, what did he want from me? "Chae....." he said. "Um? Why?" I'm trying to control my tone so it will sound soft. "I miss you" he said. What? He miss me? I'm not miss hearing right? I smirk. Namjoon if I can tell you, I miss you more. More that you expect. I monologue inside. "Ah? Yes" I answer. "What 'ah? Yes' " he ask. "You miss me too?" He ask again. I seriously blushing. "Well I guess". I ask lazily. He just sighed. Why? Did I make your mood fall? I'm starting to panic. "Why?" I asked. "Chae , listen. This is what the main thing why I call you today.... " he said. I'm starting my serious mood. He seem serious to talk about the thing that he want to talk. "Go ahead. What is it?" I asked. "you miss us 1 year ago?" He ask. There he go again..... "yes. But you playin'" I said. "If you say so" he said. "Where are you now?" I'm trying to change the topic. "At resort. Ah chae, you forgot your thing here. " he said. What?! Everytime I want to change the topic he must liked it with our memory. "What thing?" . "Your black kimono dress." He said. Ah! Thats why I try to find it but I can't. Urghhh so careless. "Can you keep it. Till I back to Seoul? " I ask. "Yeah sure" he said. "Chae, can I call you back later? Cause I have appointment with big boss about 15 minutes from now. Bye baby" he hung the phone. I'm speechless when he shout the "bye baby" word.

I just walk to the kitchen and check some food to eat.

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