[DARYL] Bitten

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*Imagine you're in love with Daryl Dixon, and you have to tell him you're bit*

"Slow down woman!" Your boyfriend calls from behind you as you run away from him through the dense forest.

You'd been bitten, there was no way out and you couldn't bare to break the news to him. He'd just lost his brother and it hadn't been easy to convince him to love anyone or anything else in this world.

You knew the news would make him back into a bitter person, who hadn't the time to care about anyone, because every time he tried he was reminded not to.

He finally caught up to you grabbing your bitten arm.

"What the hell ya runnin from me like that for?" He asked you clearly annoyed.

You didn't speak-you couldn't.

"Y/N" he pressed, looking into your tear filled eyes.

"Im- I've been bitten" you let your tears flow freely.

"What?" His voice comes out as a whisper as he rips your shirt sleeve clean off examining the bite on your forearm.

His eyes don't meet yours as he pulls out his red bandana tying it around your wound.

"No.." He chokes, "NO! NO! FUCK!" He screams kicking a nearby tree trunk.

"Daryl quiet! You'll draw walkers" you whisper through the tears.

"Walkers?!" He screams, "Hell, Y/N who cares? What have I got to lose anymore" he says.

"Don't" you plead approaching him hoping for one more kiss.

"I can't live without ya damnit, I won't." He says choking back tears of his own.

"You have to" your voice comes out harsh.

"No I don't" he says grabbing you up bridal style and running toward the prison.

Once you reach the gates he's already screaming,

"Get Hershel! We need to amputate!" You hadn't even thought of that mostly because it may not work...but then it might.

Maybe he wouldn't have to I've without you.

After the amputation you knew what had to be done, the fever hit and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

Daryl had locked the both of you in a cell, refused to leave.

"If you turn, you're gonna have ta take me out." He said looking at you with tired eyes.

"Daryl" you interjected. He didn't even keep a weapon in with him.

"No, Y/N if it happens IF, I couldn't kill ya, and I'd never look at anyone else the same if they did." He told you with a shaky voice.

You knew he meant it but you didn't want to take him out with you.

You didn't have to.

"I'm so sorry Daryl" you whispered as you pulled the knife you'd hidden in your boot and plunged it into your own head.


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