*MURPHY* You were wrong

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Dedicated to the air I breathe, with your awesome requests! Outoftea.

You sighed leaning your head against the brick wall, where is he?

You had met Connor McManus one year ago on this day and you two where supposed to hang out, like you always do when he isn't shoved up his brothers, very nice ass.

Murphy, Connors brother, was quite possibly the most attractive Man in the history of ever with his delicious accent that matched his brothers. Connor knew about your little 'crush' but you knew he would never snitch.

Your phone started buzzing and you pulled it out.

Incoming call...
Connor M.

"Where the hell are you?" You answered already yelling.

"On my way, look I have to bring Murphy along" he sighed.

"Why?" You asked shocked, any other time Murphy would avoid you like the plague, but of course on your friendaversary he had to tag along.

"Just have to" he said.

"Kay" you replied hanging up, you knew seeing him would kill your night but you had to suck it up.

Sure you'd been around him before several times over the past year, but you always latched on to Connor in his presence, even going as far as to hide in Connors lap once or twice.

What? The man is intimidating with his good looks and all.

Connor was the first to come into your line of vision and you ran to him wrapping your arms around his neck.

He kissed your cheek.

"One whole year, huh?" He said taking your small hand in his.

"Surprised I put up with you as long as I have are ya?" You asked bumping him with your shoulder playfully.

"Very" he agreed, laughing a bit as you all walked along into McGuinty's.

"Third wheel is great" Murphy muttered behind the two of you, earning a chuckle from Connor.

"Fuck Ass!" Connor and Murphy greeted Doc.

They said their hellos while you stood awkwardly behind them.

"Y/N, the usual?"

"Of course" you smirked at Connor who was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

You kept your smile while Connor helped line up your shots.

"Go for it then" Connor said as he placed the last shot in line.

"Have you all gone crazy?" Murphy said staring wide eyed
At the shots lining the bar, "She will be out within the half hour"

You shook your head, allowing Connor to correct his brothers stupidity, "I'll bet anything that she can drink you under the table" Connor chuckled.

"Now you have gone crazy!" Murphy declared, "What do you say?" He asked picking up a shot.

"Need a chase?" You asked playfully.

He smiled at you causing your heart to race, he didn't take his eyes off of you and you felt a blush coming on. He finally tore his eyes away, frowning as he shook his head.

'Why does he hate me?' You thought.

You both downed your shots and you won by default since Murphy choked on one of the shots.

"Let's go for a drag?" Connor said tugging your arm.

"Okay be right out" you smiled, before turning back to Murphy's.

Maybe it was the liquid courage who knows, but you rose to your very highest tippy toes and placed your lips on his cheek.

"Good game" you whispered lowering yourself to your original height.

Your turned to meet Connor outside, when you looked back from the door way, Murphy stood in the same place, his hand rested on his cheek.

"Ugh" you sighed sitting down next to Connor.

"Sexually frustrated by my monkey brother again, eh?" He smirked, causing you to giggle.

"Why does he have to be so hot, Connor?" You asked leaning your head on his shoulder.

"Two things, one, ew. And two, you're hot yourself" he responded wrinkling his face at the fact you called his brother hot.

"Hmph, I just don't know why I like him so much, its obvious that he can't stand me!" You whined.

"You like him because he's like his brother" he grinned at his joke.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that. I just, ugh. I really like him, like him, you know?" You sighed.

"Did you say you like really like him like him?" Connor taunted, glancing over your shoulder momentarily.

"Yeah" you sighed "but he avoids me like the plague, so obviously the feeling is not mutual"

"Cool, well I'm going in now, I've finished out here" he smiled patting your shoulder.

"What the he-" you started but Murphy sitting down next to you shut you up.

"Hey" he breathed.

"Hey" you returned the awkwardness that was this moment.

"So, you and Connor?" He asked after a momenta pause.

"What about us?"

"Thought you where together" he sighed.

"Well you were wrong" you retorted.

"I noticed." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"How much did you hear?" You asked slightly embarrassed.

"Enough" he almost whispered, "I don't hate you"

"Then why avoid me all the time?" You quirked an eyebrow.

"Not because I hate you, quite the opposite actually" he dug the back of his neck, " I couldn't stand to look at you and my brother always falling all over one another like two drunk teenagers" he said.

"Don't know what it was but I wanted ya for myself" he sighed again.

In a split second he had you pinned against the wall and his fave was inches from yours.

You shuddered at the touch as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, your body shook, as your felt your knees go weak. Murphy pulled away.

"You're scared," he said huskily, "I can tell"

"Yeah, well you've been wrong before" you whispered.

*AN I can do a part two with some smut, if its wanted? Idk lemme know, biscuits.

First Murphy, finally with his fine self.

Thanks again to Outoftea

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