Norman| Out Of Sight

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Sitting on the couch you adjusted your glasses, trying to be sure you finished your book before your eye sight wouldn't allow it anymore.

You had known for quite a while that your condition would soon leave you completely blind, and while you remained optimistic, you had a bucketlist of sorts.

You removed your book mark, a picture of you and Norman, something you never wanted to forget, the way he looked at you.

You had met Norman a little over a year ago, and the two of you had become close almost immediately.

You found him to be sweet and caring, the type of man worth marrying.

Marriage. That was something else you wanted, but you didn't feel things would be so easy with your condition.

"Y/N?" You heard Norman call from your entryway.

"Hey Norman" you smiled, still holding the photo of him in your hands, you quickly tucked it into the side of the couch.

"Whatcha looking at?" he smired, pointing to the corner of the photo sticking out of the couch.

"Oh, nothing" you tried to dissuade him.

"Hmm" he hummed, lunging at you and grabbing the picture as you fought for it.

He stood up, holding it out as he looked at it, "Old picture" he said, handing it back, "So whats up with the sadness in here today?".

You looked up at him, "You know it wont be long, you should run while you can" you told him.

"Why would i run? And where would i go?" he asked, holding an amused expression.

You hated when he made out like it didnt bother him, how could it not?

"Y/N. I'm not going anywhere, when the day comes, I'll be right here" he explained reaching out to grab your hand, "I know you care, but i dont, i love you"

Your jaw fell slack. He had never used those words with you, you had to admit it sounded good.

"I just don't want to forget" you sighed, looking away.

Norman grabbed your face, turning it back towards his, and pressing his lips to yours gently, "Then that'll be my job, making sure you don't".

This was a touching request for a reader, i am honored to bave written it and i hope it lives up to your expectations.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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