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*Imagine Murphy and Connor saved you from a group of criminals who held you captive for Ransome. After they saved you, you just followed them wherever.

"Y/N!" Murph called through the door, "can we go today?"

"Sorry, yes, I'm sorry Murphy" you apologized for the thousandth time.

You felt like such a burden, following the boys around while being of no actual use yourself.

Ever since they'd saved you, you hadn't left their sides.

Your family had been killed off and the boys were all you had to turn to.

Sometimes Connor suggested you be the honey pot, to help them in certain situations, you were always glad to ablige,but Murphy seemed to hate it.

You would never admit it but you had a huge crush on him, he was always so kind to you, even when you messed things up.

"Stop apologizing would ya?" He called back.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop" you said, not realizing you did it again.

"You got no reason to be sorry, now cmon"

You opened the door, following Murphy down the stairs.

You were all headed to McGuinty's for a few drinks.

You walked in behind the boys, making your way to the crowded bar.

You greeted Doc and took the only available seat, sticking your tongue out at the boys.

"We woulda let you have it anyway lass" Conner said with a chuckle.

"Were gentlemen" Murphy added.

You all received your drinks, and started sipping.

Murphy and Connor walked off to talk to a guy at the end of the bar and you tried to engage a conversation with Doc.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and spun around to see a large biker, "Hello miss, can I buy you a drink?" He said smoothly.

You matched his friendly smile, "Sure" you agreed, free alcohol was a rarity you do not turn down.

"What'll it be?" He asked, leaning on the bar to look at Doc.

"He knows what I drink" you said as Doc grabbed your usual, handing it to you.

You sat flirting with the stranger for a while, you kept looking for the boys only to be met with their shifting eyes, they always landed back on you, while they were talking to these unknown people.

It was as if they were watching you.

Or talking about you, who knew?

Moments later the biker guy, who was named Greg, leaned in to kiss you, you giggled drunkenly, leaning towards him as well.

A swish of air was felt and you popped your eyes open, Murphy had pulled him away and pinned him to the wall and Connor was dragging you by your arm from the bar.

"Hands off, huh?" Murphy told the biker, punching him in the gut.

"That your girl?" Greg asked, seemingly unphased by the hit.

"Yeah, that's my girl" Murphy said, swinging again this time knocking him out.

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