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This idea comes from Shany316 who saw it some place on social media. Not my original idea, but the actual writing of this imagine was me. Not responsible for any similarities.


"You look great!" Norman said as he kissed your cheek before holing out his arm for you to take.

Tonight you were his date for a very formal event.

You had to admit he looked great as well, all decked out in black tie apparel.

Then, when did he not look good?

You wrapped your arm through his own and casually walked alongside him into the double doors of the event.

Once inside, Norman immediately rushed you toward the open bar, getting himself a whiskey and soda and turning to you.

He opened his mouth to ask what you wanted before an invisible light went off in His head and he spun back around ordering you Y/F/D.

You smiled at him as you took in his handsomeness in the well lit room. He looked especially tasty tonight and you couldn't wait to get him home.

Maybe you could speed up the process by 'accidentally' teasing him a bit.

You tugged at the neck line of your dress, in an attempt to put some cleavage on display.

Mission success, as you looked up to see Norman was already drooling.

You bit your lip, looking at him seductively. This would be too easy.

Norman turned his back to grab your drink from the bartended and you took your opportunity to slip your arms around his waist.

You quickly ran your palm over the front of his pants, as if by accident, then retracted it quickly.

You barely heard him groan before he handed you your drink.

He steered you around the room, his arm around your back, introducing you to a few people and stopping to have short conversations with people.

But all you could focus on was the small circles he was rubbing on your lower back with his thumb.

He wasn't playing fair, so you wouldn't either.

You lay your head on his shoulder, tipping your head upward so that your breath would tickle his neck.

He dropped his hand from your waist, running it over you ass.

You placed a quick kiss on his neck causing his breathing to hitch.

"Please excuse us, I should find a restroom" He said to the man you both had been speaking to, who didn't seem to notice any of the teasing that took place.

"Of course, right that way" the man instructed.

You followed him toward the restrooms, stopping just before you reached them.

Norman grabbed your hand pulling you flush against him and allowing you to feel his excitement, "You, too, Tease" he whispered huskily in your ear.

He drug you into the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind him.

He clicked it licked and his lips were on yours. He kissed you passionately as he grabbed the hem of your dress, pulling it up over your hips.

He hoisted you up and sat you on the sink behind you.

"You're bad" you said through a moan spreading your legs for him to stand between.

"No worse than you" he argued, kissing down your neck as he fumbled with his pants, dropping them to his ankles.

He stepped between your legs, pressing his hard length against you.

He ran his hand between you, pulling your panties to the side and lining himself up.

He slowly pushed in, earning him a gasp from you, he responded by picking up his pace and pumping harder and faster.

Your muffled moans and pants fogging up the mirror.

He placed his hand over your core, rubbing you gently as he pumped.

Wrapping your legs around his waist you heard one of your heels fall to the floor, but you didn't care.

You tipped over the edge, vice gripping his waist with your legs as you came.

He followed suit, releasing himself inside of you as he clung to your hips.

When he had recovered he lifted you down from the sink, helping you straighten yourself out.

He slipped your shoe back on your foot and kissed your ankle before straightening out his clothes.

"M'lady?" He smirked, holding His arm out again for you.

You took it, gladly following him back to the party.

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